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发布时间:2024-02-01 07:21:48


W: Do you know when Jack comes back home
M: He was supposed to arrive this weekend, but actually he’ s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jack come back ()
A. This weekend.
B. In two day’ s time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.

更多"W: Do you know when Jack comes back"的相关试题:


W: Do you know when Jack comes back home.
M: He was supposed to arrive this weekend, but actually he’ s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jack come back ()
A. This weekend.
B. In two day’s time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.

W: Do you know when Jim comes back home
M: He was supposed to arrive this weekend,but actually he’s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jim come back ()
A. This weekend.
B. In two days’ time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.

W: Do you know when Jim comes back home
M: He was supposed to arrive this weekend, but actually he’s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jim come back()
A. This weekend.
B. In two days’ time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.
[填空题]When you are back home, the computer knows who you are.
[填空题]Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated (47) Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it Are you afraid to ask someone for a date
Many people are afraid to assert (表现) themselves. Dr. Alberti thinks it’s because their self-respect is low. "Our whole (48) is designed to make people distrust themselves," says Alberti. "There’s always ’ (49) ’ around--a parent, a teacher, a boss--who ’knows better’. These superiors often gain when they chip ( 削弱 ) away at your self-image."
But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people (50) themselves. They (51) "assertiveness training" courses--AT for short. In the AT courses people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be more (52) without hurting other people.
In one way, learning to speak out is to (53) fear. A gr


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