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发布时间:2024-03-29 05:13:05

[单项选择]What is the proper length of footage for successful brand placements
A. As long as possible.
B. As long as it can effectively deliver a message in a credible manner.
C. A two-minute clip.

更多"What is the proper length of footag"的相关试题:

[多项选择]What is the proper length of footage for successful brand placements
A. As long as possible.
B. As short as possible.
C. A two-minute clip.
[单项选择]What is the proper relationship between them ()
A. Boss and secretary.
B. Doctor and nurse.
C. Teacher and student.
D. Lawyer and client.
[单项选择]What should host countries’ proper investment in environment include according to the communique
A. A vigorous private sector.
B. A legal framework.
C. A flexible labor market and prompt service of debt.
D. All above.
[填空题]Jianlibao’s general manager said that to successfully generate ______ among Americans, the company had to invest $50 million to $100 million in marketing.
[填空题]Great Britain is believed to be the most successful country to have acted to control or reduce environmental problems.
[单项选择]The Knowledge Is Power Program, the most successful charter school (特许学校)network, has a new official name, KIPP, and a new approach to raising achievement for disadvantaged children. In its first decade the network focused on creating middle schools that started with fifth graders two or three years below grade level and got them up to speed by eighth grade. Now it is opening elementary schools so it can start raising achievement in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten.
The thought is that by fifth grade there will be no need for hero teachers who work ten hours a day, plus summers and some Saturdays, to save kids who have fallen so far behind. There will be less stress on staff and more hope for kids.
It makes sense. But I see a problem. What happens to the many fifth graders who are still far behind but find the doors to KIPP, or any of the other successful charters, are closed because they filled those classes back in pre-K and kindergarten
The most effective regular and
A. middle school students eager to jump to eighth-grade
B. students with two or three years advanced grade level
C. fifth-grade students with poor academic achievement
D. teenagers who want to speed up middle school studies
[填空题]It is reported that the sports meet was (successful)______ organized.


In most cases, you can transplant a tree successfully, at any time, if you follow the instructions for planting a tree. The most important thing is to dig out enough roots, but this process is difficult with a large tree.
When you dig out the tree, leave a ball of earth around its roots. This ball of earth should measure about a foot wide for every inch of the tree trunk’s diameter. Dig deep enough to avoid cutting off too many taproots.
It is wise to call in a professional tree expert to transplant a tree more than a few inches in trunk diameter.

Transplanting a tree is ()
A. very different from planting a tree
B. so difficult that an expert should always be called in
C. much like planting a tree
D. done successfully in the right seasons

What is the proper term when the ball goes off either end of the pitch
[单项选择]What is the correct length


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