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发布时间:2023-10-20 15:49:13

[填空题]Every night before going to bed, Mr. Smith goes around the house _______________(以确保所有的门都锁上了).

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[填空题]Every night before going to bed, Mr. Smith goes around the house _______________(以确保所有的门都锁上了).

Before a new plane goes into service, every part of it is tested again and again. But there are two tests that are more important than all the others.
In the first test, a modern airliner must fly at very high altitudes. Air must be pushed into the airliner so that the passengers can breathe. The metal structure of the plane has to be very strong for this reason. When the airliner is filled with air, the air presses against the skin of the plane inside. The pressure on a small window, for instance, is like a huge, giant foot that is trying to get out. If a small part of the plane were to crack, the plane would explode in the sky. To test the structure of the plane, the plane is lowered into a huge tank of water. Then it is filled with air. The pressure inside the plane is greater than it ever will be when it is high in the air. Finally, there is an explosion. Engineers can discover which part of the plane has broken.
In the second test, the test pilot must find ou
A. Because without air the plane can’t fly.
B. Because the plane needs air for its fuel.
C. Because the passengers’ lives depend on air.
D. Because the passengers have paid for it.

[填空题]Before every concert, she worries about how well she will (performance) ______.
[简答题]{{B}}Section C{{/B}}
You are going to read an article from a newspaper. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A-G) the one which fits each gap (65-70). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Questions 65-70 are based on the following passage.
Cruising may not be everyone’s idea of entertainment yet it would hardly be the same without its traditional British teatime. There is no better way of breaking down social barriers either. Or so I found when I enjoyed a cup of tea with an anonymous-looking passenger aboard the smart ship I had joined.
65. ______
Sharing tea with a celebrity may not be a normal cruising experience, but the Seabourn Spirit is no run-of-the-mill vessel. Nor aboard most cruise ships are you served high-quality leaf tea--it is usually tea-bags, even if it is in a silver pot.


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