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发布时间:2024-02-19 20:13:04

[单项选择]在IEEE 802.11标准中使用了扩频通信技术,下面选项中有关扩频通信技术说法正确的是______。
A. 扩频技术是一种带宽很宽的红外线通信技术
B. 扩频技术就是用伪随机序列对代表数据的模拟信号进行调制
C. 扩频通信系统的带宽随着数据速率的提高而不断扩大
D. 扩频技术就是扩大了频率许可证的使用范围

更多"在IEEE 802.11标准中使用了扩频通信技术,下面选项中有关扩频通"的相关试题:

A. 扩频技术是一种带宽很宽的红外通信技术
B. 扩频技术就是用伪随机序列对代表数据的模拟信号进行调制
C. 扩频通信系统的带宽随着数据速率的提高而不断扩大
D. 扩频技术就是扩大了频率许可证的使用范围
A. 语句覆盖率达到100%
B. 局部变量的边界条件处理正确
C. 逻辑比较和控制流处理正确
D. 以上全部

根据下面一段对话内容,从下面选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中两项为多余选项。 A: Oh, hi, Tess! I’m sorry. I’m thinking about something. B. (16)A. I am. I have a chance to go onatour. B. A tour What kind of tour A: A music tour. (17)B: Wow! That’ s great. They are pretty famous. A: (18)B: So you’re going to do it A: I don’t know. (19)B: It sure would! Where will the tour go A: (20)B: How long is the tour A: Four months. B: OK, wish you a happy travel! A: Thank you!

A. This tour is the chance of lifetime.
B. It goes all over North America and South America.
C. It looks like you’re dreaming about something.
D. You’ll have to quit school and your job at the store.
E. My agent wants me to go on a tour with Art’s Jazz Band.
F. Have you told anyone about this yet
G. It would be a great opportunity!
[简答题]【问题2】 请指出下面关于软件项目建设有关的标准和文档的叙述是否正确(填写对或错,每个选项0.5分)。 1.国家标准是由政府或国家级机构制定或批准,适用于全国的标准。这些标准都是强制性的,相关产品必须严格执行标准。 2.IS09001是设计、开发、生产、安装和服务中的质量保证标准,IS09000-3是使 IS09001适合于软件的质量保证指南。 3.软件工程标准化可提高软件的生产率。 4.软件质量保证体系是贯穿于整个软件生存期集成化过程体系,而不仅仅体现在最后产品的检验上。 5.软件维护是一件简单的不具备创造性的工作。 6.软件测试计划始于需求分析阶段,完成于软件设计阶段。 7.任何一个文档都应具有完整性、独立性。 8.在新文档取代旧文档后,管理人员应随即删去旧文档。 9.软件开发机构应保存一份完整的主文档,并允许开发人员可以保存主文档中的一部分。 10.软件需求分析报告是给开发人员使用的,不是给其他人员,如维护人员、用户等使用的。


A:A music tour. ( ).
B:Wowf That’s great. They are pretty famous.

A. This tour is the chance of lifetime.
B. It goes all over North America and South America.
C. It looks like you’re dreaming about something.
D. You’ll have to quit school and your job at the store.
E. My agent wants me to go on a tour with Are’s Jazz Band.
F. Have you told anyone about this yet
G. It would be a great opportunityl


A:Oh, hi, Tess! I’m sorry. I’m thinking about something.B:( )A:I am. I have a chance to go on a tour.B:A tour What kind of tour
A. This tour is the chance of lifetime.
B. It goes all over North America and South America.
C. It looks like you’re dreaming about something.
D. You’ll have to quit school and your job at the store.
E. My agent wants me to go on a tour with Are’s Jazz Band.
F. Have you told anyone about this yet
G. It would be a great opportunityl


A: ( ) I really must ask you something first.
B:Very well. If you insist,go ahead please!
A:Would you like a cup of coffee
B:Pardon What did you say
A:You see,l’m English. I’m one of the teachers here.I came to ask you if you would like a cup of coffee.

A. You must have wronged me.
B. Oh! I’m so sorry about this.
C. Please stop just a second.
D. Are you Mr. Smith
E. But may I ask you something first
F. Is there anything I can do for you
G. Now, sit down please.


A:Yes,of course I do. ( )
B:After the examination,please. First of all,why are you learning English
A:Why am I learning English
B:Yes,l mean,what are you going to do with it Are you going to be a teacher of English,or what else

A. You must have wronged me.
B. Oh! I’m so sorry about this.
C. Please stop just a second.
D. Are you Mr. Smith
E. But may I ask you something first
F. Is there anything I can do for you
G. Now, sit down please.


A:Excuse me. ( )
B:Yes. You don’t know me,of course.I don’t teach here.I just give oral examinations here now and then. Don’t be nervous.
A:Nervous Who Me

A. You must have wronged me.
B. Oh! I’m so sorry about this.
C. Please stop just a second.
D. Are you Mr. Smith
E. But may I ask you something first
F. Is there anything I can do for you
G. Now, sit down please.


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