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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:22:34


It is not unusual for a pet to be sent by air cargo from Columbia to New York, but last December’s shipment of a 4-year-old sheep dog caught a New York Kennedy Airport Customs inspector’s eye. The dog looked to be on its last legs, and there was an unusual lump on the side of its body. An X-ray and emergency surgery revealed the presence of 10 condoms tightly packed with five pounds of cocaine that had been surgically implanted in the dog’s abdomen - yet another first for Customs in the war on drugs.
When it comes to transporting drags, the methods used are only as limited as a smuggler’s imagination. Kilo bricks of cocaine are routinely concealed beneath false bottoms of containers that hold poisonous snakes. "You’ve got snakes that are 12 feet long," says a United States Fish and Wildli
A. it could stand only on its hind legs.
B. it had only two legs.
C. it was very attractive.
D. it had a very big abdomen.

更多"{{B}}第三篇{{/B}} {{B}} Smug"的相关试题:


It is not unusual for a pet to be sent by air cargo from Columbia to New York, but last December’s shipment of a 4-year-old sheep dog caught a New York Kennedy Airport Customs inspector’s eye. The dog looked to be on its last legs, and there was an unusual lump on the side of its body. An X-ray and emergency surgery revealed the presence of 10 condoms tightly packed with five pounds of cocaine that had been surgically implanted in the dog’s abdomen - yet another first for Customs in the war on drugs.
When it comes to transporting drags, the methods used are only as limited as a smuggler’s imagination. Kilo bricks of cocaine are routinely concealed beneath false bottoms of containers that hold poisonous snakes. "You’ve got snakes that are 12 feet long," says a United States Fish and Wildli
A. As many as a smuggler can think of.
B. Beyond the smuggler’s imagination.
C. Only a limited number.
D. Only a few.
[单项选择]第三篇               Up in Smoke I began to smoke when I was in high school. In fact, I remember the evening I was at a girlfriend’s house, and we were watching a movie-a terribly romantic movie. He (the hero of the movie) was in love, she (his lady) was beautiful, and they were both smoking. My friend had only two cigarettes from a pack in her mother’s purse, and she gave one to me. It was my first time. My parents didn’t care much. They both smoked, and my older brother did too. My mother told me that smokers don’t grow tall, but I was already5’6"(taller than most of the boys in my class), so I was happy to hear that "fact". In school, the teachers talked against smoking, but the cigarette advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful, and the women were-well, they were beautiful and sophisticated(老于世故的). I read a book called how to stop smoking. The writer said that smoking wastes time, and that cigarettes cost a lot of money. "So what "
A. educational institutions
B. one’s social status
C. the mass media
D. public opinions
{{B}}Is the Tie a Necessity {{/B}}
Ties, or neckties, have been a symbol ’of politeness and elegance in Britain for centuries. But the casual Prime Minister Tony Blair has problems with them. Reports suggest that even the civil servants may stop wearing ties. So, are the famously formal British really going to abandon the neckties
Maybe. Last week, the UK’s Cabinet Secretary Andrew Turnbull openly welcomed a tieless era. He hinted that civil servants would soon be free of the costliest 12 inches of fabric that most men ever buy in their lives.
In fact, Blair showed this attitude when he had his first guests to a cocktail party. Many of them were celebrities (知名人士) without ties, which would have been unimaginable even in the recent past.
For some more conservative British, the tie is a must for
A. respect.
B. elegance.
C. politeness.
D. democracy.
{{B}}Space-Age Archeology{{/B}}
It’s a strange partnership, but a very effective one: Satellites and space-shuttle-carried radar are helping archeologists. How By "seeing" through sand or through treetops to locate important archeological sites.
The traditional tools for archeologists are shovels and picks. But high technology is making the archeologist’s work and time far more productive.
Take, for example, the second 1981 flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger. During the mission, a powerful, experimental radar was pointed at a lifeless stretch of desert in Egypt called the Selima Sand Sheet (part of the Sahara Desert). To everyone’s surprise, the radar penetrated through the sand to the harder rock beneath. On the surface, there is a little indication that Africa’s Sahara Desert was never
A. a new stretch of the Sahara desert
B. traces of ancient riverbeds under the Sahara Desert
C. some traditional archeological tools in the Sahara Desert
D. a mountain beneath the Sahara Desert


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