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发布时间:2023-11-06 01:19:49

[多项选择]Part 2 Describe your favorite park. Where is the park located in How often do you go there Why do you like the park so much What kind of people like it

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Describe a Holiday

Describe your favorite holiday.
You should say:
When it is.
Where you spent the holiday.
What happened in the holiday.
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Describe a City

Describe your favorite city.
You should say:
What city and where it is.
When you went there.
What is special about the city.
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Describe a Sport Star

Describe your favorite sport star.
You should say.
Who he/she is.
When & where you first saw him/her.
What sports he/she plays and how he/she plays it.
[多项选择]PART 2
Describe a Friend

Describe your best friend.
You should say.
Who this friend is.
What this friend is like.
What you do together.
Describe a Park/Garden

Describe your favorite park/garden.
You should say:
What park/garden & where it is.
Who built this park/garden.
What the park/garden is like.
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[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe someone who visited your family. How do you treat your visitor Is it convenient to live in your friend’s house What is the difference between living in a hotel and living in your friend’s house
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