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发布时间:2024-05-24 05:54:34

[单项选择]Young people in the early 1980s are taking on a set of attitudes and values remarkably different from those of the stormy’ 60s and ’70s. Instead of anti-establishment outbursts, today’s younger generation had turned more thoughtful and more serious. There is heightened concern for the future of the country and a yearning for the traditions and support systems that gave comfort in the past. Many young men and Women of high-school and college age are having second thoughts about the "new morality" and condemn what a soaring divorce rate has done to families. They speak openly of gaining strength from religion. Patriotism, too, seems to be making a modest comeback.
One change in the early 1980s is a questioning of the permissive moral climate of recent years. More young people, while hesitant to preach or to condemn their peers, cite the destructive effects of the drugs and alocohol that are so widely available in the schools. It is peer pressure that pushes teenagers into drugs, but
A. They want to live a comfortable life.
B. With the constantly added pressures of the outside world, they need a healthy family for emotional shelter.
C. They don’t want to make a living by themselves.
D. They prefer to live with their parents.

更多"Young people in the early 1980s are"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Young people in the early 1980s are taking on a set of attitudes and values remarkably different from those of the stormy’ 60s and ’70s. Instead of anti-establishment outbursts, today’s younger generation had turned more thoughtful and more serious. There is heightened concern for the future of the country and a yearning for the traditions and support systems that gave comfort in the past. Many young men and Women of high-school and college age are having second thoughts about the "new morality" and condemn what a soaring divorce rate has done to families. They speak openly of gaining strength from religion. Patriotism, too, seems to be making a modest comeback.
One change in the early 1980s is a questioning of the permissive moral climate of recent years. More young people, while hesitant to preach or to condemn their peers, cite the destructive effects of the drugs and alocohol that are so widely available in the schools. It is peer pressure that pushes teenagers into drugs, but
A. The are more thoughtful and serious.
B. They have concern for the future of the country.
C. They have a yearning for the traditions.
D. They don’t like adult world.
[单项选择]Text 2
Young people in the early 1980s are taking on a set of attitudes and values remarkably different from those of the stormy’ 60s and ’70s. Instead of anti-establishment outbursts, today’s younger generation had turned more thoughtful and more serious. There is heightened concern for the future of the country and a yearning for the traditions and support systems that gave comfort in the past. Many young men and Women of high-school and college age are having second thoughts about the "new morality" and condemn what a soaring divorce rate has done to families. They speak openly of gaining strength from religion. Patriotism, too, seems to be making a modest comeback.
One change in the early 1980s is a questioning of the permissive moral climate of recent years. More young people, while hesitant to preach or to condemn their peers, cite th
A. The are more thoughtful and serious.
B. They have concern for the future of the country.
C. They have a yearning for the traditions.
D. They don’t like adult world.
[填空题]computer of the early 1980s. Government statisticians cannot properly correct


Since the early 1980s, scientists have revealed some 40 human genes involved in cancer. These genes are essential for normal growth, but can be subverted to cause a tumor.
Dr. Jorge Yunis of the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis has found that 70 percent of oncogenes, or cancer-causing genes, are located near inherited weak points on chromosomes(染色体). Varying from individual to individual, vulnerable to chemical carcinogens(致癌剂) ,X rays and other cancer-inducing agents.
"If a chromosome snaps apart in the immediate vicinity of an oncogene," says Yunis, "normal genetic control mechanisms could break down and the stage would be set for the formation of cancer." Younis hag shown that such a sequence occurs at the beginning of numerous leukemias (白血病), lymphomas (淋巴瘤) and some tumors of the lung, colon (结肠) and breast.
Yunis and Other investigators have found that petroleum-based products--notably pesticides and insectic
A. harmful to the human body
B. necessary to the human body
C. the elements that form cancer
D. useless to the human body


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