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发布时间:2024-03-29 23:21:46


Our community has just modified the requirements for high school students to become graduates. It requires all students to finish at least forty hours of (36) learning (37) they get a diploma that they have (38) for. Service learning is such a learning that also benefits the community. It includes such activities as picking up rubbish along the banks of river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring A student. After a service (39) , students must write a (40) about what they have learned.
It is asserted by supporters that there are a lot of (41) of service learning. First and foremost, students are forced to think not only their own (42) but others’, and gradually become very (43) of the needs of others. (44) , students can learn some skills that are closely related to their real life such as (45) , problem solving, and team spirit. Finally, students may find out possible careers <
A. will help
B. help
C. helps
D. helped

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Our community has just modified the requirements for high school students to become graduates. It requires all students to finish at least forty hours of (36) learning (37) they get a diploma that they have (38) for. Service learning is such a learning that also benefits the community. It includes such activities as picking up rubbish along the banks of river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring A student. After a service (39) , students must write a (40) about what they have learned.
It is asserted by supporters that there are a lot of (41) of service learning. First and foremost, students are forced to think not only their own (42) but others’, and gradually become very (43) of the needs of others. (44) , students can learn some skills that are closely related to their real life such as (45) , problem solving, and team spirit. Finally, students may find out possible careers <
A. job
B. industry
C. service
D. task


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