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发布时间:2024-04-24 20:22:22

[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
The dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities.
When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur "Boots" and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning, Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams’ daily paper but with a half-ounce packet of Williams’ favorite tobacco, John Rhiney’s Mixed. A gun-dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creat
A. He was delighted to show them off.
B. He did his best but was not often successful.
C. He did them quickly to get them over.
D. He had few opportunities to do them.

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[单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}
The dog, called Prince, was an intelligent animal and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight, practically ignoring all other members of the family. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities.
When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur "Boots" and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning, Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams’ daily paper but with a half-ounce packet of Williams’ favorite tobacco, John Rhiney’s Mixed. A gun-dog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creat
A. They are the fastest runners of all dogs.
B. Their teeth are removed when they are young.
C. They can carry birds, etc. without hurting them.
D. They breed well, producing many young dogs.
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}
Often called the intellectual leader of the animal-rights movement, Regan "is the foremost philosopher in this country in the field of the moral status of non-rational animals", says Bob Bryan, former chairman of the N.C. State Philosophy and Religion Department. Regan has lectured from Stockholm to Melbourne about the importance of recognizing animals as part of the evolving field of ethics. His books, The Case for Animal Rights and In Defense of Animal Rights, are widely acknowledged as having cemented the roots of the modem animal-rights movement in academia.
To be sure, vegetarianism dates back to Plato and Plutarch. And in America, the first cruelty busts happened in the late 19th century in New York. But society viewed animals largely as properties, until Regan and a handful of other philosophers pushed animal-right
A. he is a philosopher in the field of animal-rights protection.
B. he helps to make animal-rights movement an academic subject.
C. he has written many books on how to protect animal rights.
D. he proves that animal societies have their moral standards as human societies do.
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

In a new book called Predictions, some of the world’ s greatest thinkers present a vision of the future with overtones of a science fiction film. Futuristic author Arthur C Clarke and others suggest that a new life form will evolve from artificially intelligent machines. Humans vying for dominance will turn to genetics and cryogenics to compete.
Clarke, although he is seen as a visionary, has got it wrong before. There’s no sign of Hal the dominating computer from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (written by Arthur C Clarke) appearing on the horizon next year to dominate human life. Even so, computers have changed the way that we work and play. The Internet is changing business, seemingly sweeping everything along on an e-tide. The Web will change the way we work — more of us will work from home.
A. the speed of computers is faster than ever
B. scientists encounter unprecedented difficulties
C. the intelligence of computers is more important than the speed
D. there is much room for the improvement of computer intelligence
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

In a new book called Predictions, some of the world’s greatest thinkers present a vision of the future with overtones of a science fiction film. Futuristic author Arthur C Clarke and others suggest that a new life form will evolve from artificially intelligent machines. Humans vying for dominance will turn to genetics and cryogenics to compete.
Clarke, although he is seen as a visionary, has got it wrong before. There’s no sign of Hal the dominating computer from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (written by Arthur C Clarke) appearing on the horizon next year to dominate human life. Even so, computers have changed the way that we work and play. The Internet is changing business, seemingly sweeping everything along on an e-tide. The Web will change the way we work -- more of us will work from home.
Futurist Ian Pearson sees a convergence between intelligent computers and biotechnology, the advent of impla
A. the speed of computers is faster than ever
B. scientists encounter unprecedented difficulties
C. the intelligence of computers is more important than the speed
D. there is much room for the improvement of computer intelligence
[单项选择]Text 4 Your dog is as smart as any two year old, according to a new study. Dogs bring much happiness to their owners, and even improve human health. Most two year olds keep us busy in life - an important part of living a long and happy life. According to Stanley Coren, Ph. D. of the University of British Columbia, our dogs are smarter than we thought. Dr. Coren reviewed many studies to find out that dogs are as smart as 2 to 2.5 year olds. Forget about one word orders - according to Coren, the smartest dogs can learn up to 250 words. Most dogs understand an average of 165 words. “The upper limit of dogs, ability to learn language is partly based on a study of a Border Collie (博得牧羊犬) named Rico who showed knowledge of 200 spoken words,and ‘fast-track learning,’ which scientists believed to be found only in humans and language-learning apes (猿).” Dogs are also great at tricking. During play, they have the ability to trick humans and other dogs in order to get treats. “And they are nea
A. He seldom uses one word orders.
B. He uses words like a 2.5 year old.
C. He is Coren, s favorite subject for study.
D. He shows a high level of language ability.
Text 1
Like every dog, every disease now seems to have its day. World Tuberculosis (infections disease in which growths appear on the lungs) Day is on Saturday March 24th.
Tuberculosis was once terribly fashionable. Dying of "consumption" seems to have been a favorite activity of garret-dwelling 19th-century artists, h has, however, been neglected of late. Researchers in the field never tire of pointing out that TB kills a lot of people. According to figures released earlier this week by the World Health Organization, 1.6 million people died of the disease in 2005, compared with about 3m for AIDS and l m for malaria. But it receives only a fraction of the research budget devoted to AIDS. America’s National Institutes of Health, for example, spends 20 times as much on AIDS as on TB. Nevertheless, everyone seems to getting in on the TB-da
A. Forgive and forget.
B. Forgotten, but not gone.
C. When the wound is healed, the pain is forgotten.
D. Every dog is valiant at his own door.


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