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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:21:33


W: John, will you be able m get home at 6:00
M: No way. Don’t you know I’m busy working

What does the man mean()
A. He can’t find his way home.
B. He doesn’t know when he will be hack.
C. The traffic will be blocked then.
D. He won’t be back home at 6:00.

更多"[听力原文] W: John, will you be able "的相关试题:


W: John, will you be able m get home at 6:00
M: No way. Don’t you know I’m busy working

What does the man mean()
A. He can’t find his way home.
B. He doesn’t know when he will be hack.
C. The traffic will be blocked then.
D. He won’t be back home at 6:00.

W: Did you get the job you applied for
M: No. It’s been offered to someone else, but I think it wouldn’t have suited me anyway.

How does the man probably feel ()
A. Worried.
B. Unhappy.
C. Pleasant.
D. It’s OK.

W: Did you get the job you applied for with that company
M: It was offered to someone else, but I found a better one.

How does the man probably feel ()
A. Pleased.
B. Angry.
C. Nervous.
D. Disappointe

M: Did you get any message about the meeting on Monday
W: Yes, I did. But I am still not quite sure what the meeting is about.

What does the woman wish to know ()
A. When the meeting is to beheld.
B. Where the meeting is to be’ held.
C. Who are going to attend the meeting.
D. What is to be discussed at the meeting.

M:Did you get a letter from your family,Jane
W:Not today.I wrote to them yesterday,so I was not really expecting to hear from them till next week.

What do we learn from this conversation()
A. Jane got a 1etter from her home today.
B. Jane is expecting a letter from her family.
C. Jane wrote a 1etter to her family today.
D. Jane wrote a letter to her family yesterday.

W: Did you and your brother get to school at 7: 50 this morning
M: No, I was 15 minutes late because of the heavy rain.

When did the man get to school ()
A. 7: 50.
B. 8: 05.
C. 7: 35.
D. 8:40.

M: How long does it take you to get to work
W: It’s only a 15-minute bus drive early in the morning. But coming home at the end of the day is quite different. Then it takes at least 20 to 30 minutes.

How much time does the woman spend in traveling from her home to work in the morning ()
A. 20 minutes.
B. 15 minutes.
C. 20 to 30 minutes.
D. 50 minutes.

W: How long does it take you to get to your company from here
M: It takes about 30 minutes and 7 minutes more during the rush hour.

How much time will the man spend on his way from home to company during the rush hour ()
A. 30 minutes.
B. 37 minutes.
C. 7 minutes.
D. 23 minutes.

M: Do you want to see if I can get the tickets to the basketball game next week
W: I don’t think I have a chance, but you can try anyway.

What does the woman mean()
A. She already has tickets for both of them.
B. She thinks it’s going to be hard to get the tickets.
C. She is trying to fool him.
D. She doesn’t want to get the tickets.

M: What do you want me to get I’m leaving now.
W: Pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread please.

Where’ s the man probably going ()
A. To the bank.
B. To a shoe store.
C. To a book store.
D. To the grocer’s.

W: Ray, are you going straight home after school today
M: No. I have a class until 1 o’clock, and after that I’m going t0 spend a couple of hours at the library before going home.

What is Ray going to do this afternoon()
A. Ray will have a class at 1:00.
B. Ray will go to the library at 2:00.
C. Ray will go home immediately after his class.
D. Ray will go home around 3:00.

W: Do you know when Jim comes back home
M: He was supposed to arrive this weekend, but actually he’s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jim come back()
A. This weekend.
B. In two days’ time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.

M: Tom, would you mind driving me home
M: Sure, why not.

How does Tom respond to the question()
A. He refused to drive her.
B. He has a new car.
C. He forgot his driver’s license.
D. He is glad to drive her.


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