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发布时间:2024-05-23 20:44:55

[单项选择]Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview.From which place did they start their sightseeing
A. Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
B. The south bank of the Thames.
C. Lambeth Bridge.
D. Westminster Abbey.

更多"Questions 1 to 5 are based on an in"的相关试题:

Directions: Answer all questions based on the information in the passages below.
An important point in the development of a governmental agency is the codification of its controlling practices. The study of law or jurisprudence is usually concerned with the codes and practices of specific governments, past or present. It is also concerned with certain questions upon which a functional analysis of behavior has some bearing. What is a law What role does a law play in governmental control In particular, what effect does it have upon the behavior of the controllee and of the members of the governmental agency itself
A law usually has two important features. In the first place, it specifies behavior. The behavior is usually not described topographically but rather in terms of its effect upon others - the effect that is the object of governme
A. the standard on which the judgment may be made is more important than the actual application of this judgment
B. the function of law is important
C. the study of ordinance is the most important
D. practice is more important than criterion
Directions: Answer all the questions based on the information in the passages below.
Passage 1
In the preceding chapter, economic welfare was taken broadly to consist of that group of satisfactions and dissatisfactions which can be brought into relation with a money measure. We have now to observe that this relation is not a direct one, but is mediated through desires and aversions. That is to say, the money that a person is prepared to offer for a thing measures directly, not the satisfaction he will get from the thing, but-the intensity of his desire for it. This distinction, obvious when stated, has been somewhat obscured for English-speaking students by the employment of the term utility - which naturally carries an association with satisfaction - to represent intensity of desire. Thus, when one thing is desired by a person more keen
A. The author rejects the idea the aid distributed by the government should benefit the less fortunate individuals.
B. Any given government is answerable for preserving and protecting the economic interests of new generations.
C. Mankind is intrinsically doomed and will be extinct in the near future regardless of the actions taken by any government.
D. People have opposing views over state intervention in the field of socio-economic policy.


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