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发布时间:2024-02-01 04:36:47


W: The car is broken down again and it refused to move.
M: We’ll have to call Mr. Smith right away.

What job does Mr. Smith probably have ()
A. Worker.
B. Mechanic.
C. Typist.
D. Waiter.

更多"[听力原文] W: The car is broken down "的相关试题:


W: The car has broken down again and it refused to move.
M: We’ll have to call Mr Smith right away.

What job does Mr Smith probably have().
A. As a worker.
B. As a mechanic.
C. As a typist.
D. As a waiter.

As the car industry develops, traffic accidents have become as familiar as the common cold. Yet their cause and control remain a serious problem that is difficult to solve.
Experts have long recognized that this discouraging problem has multiple causes. At the very least it is a problem that involves three factors: the driver, the vehicle and the roadway. If all drivers exercised good judgment at all times, there would be few accidents. But this is rather like saying that if all people were honest, there would be no crime. Improved design has helped to make highways much safer. But the total of accidents continues to rise because of human failure and an enormous increase in the number of automobiles on the road. Attention is now turning increasingly to the third factor of the accident, that is, the car itself. Since people assume that the accidents are bound to occur, they want to know how cars can be built better to protect the drivers.

What does the
A. The causes are very complicated. B. The causes are obvious.
B. The causes are familiar.
C. The causes are not well understood.

W: What are the historical trends with respect to marriage and family
M: The "traditional nuclear family", consisting of a breadwinner-husband and a homemaker-wife raising children, was the norm for most households in the United States in the 1950s. In these traditional families, married couples were usually of the same religion, the same race, and the same socio-economic class, and they were supposed to live together for the rest of their lives even if the relationship was abusive or dysfunctional. Times have changed. Today, the "Ozzie and Harriet" family constitutes only about 10 percent of all families (1). Family diversity is now the norm, with 25% of households consisting of adults living alone, and the rest made up of people living in a variety of family structures, such as dual-income families, single-parent families, step-families, inter-racial families, inter-faith families, foster families, cohabiting
A. 10%
B. 25%.
C. 35%.
D. 50%.


W: Could I please borrow a car from you Mine has just run out of the fuel
M: I’m afraid I don’t have one. Would a bicycle do

How did the man respond to the woman’s request ()
A. He lent her a car.
B. He offered her a bicycle.
C. He said he did not have any fuel.
D. He was afraid of losing his car.

M: My car is in the repair shop again.
W: Maybe you should consider trading it in for a new one.

what does the woman suggest to the man ()
A. Take a different train.
B. Go shopping at the new store.
C. Find a new repair shop.
D. Buy a new car.

W: Could I please borrow a car from you Mine has just run out of the fuel
M: I’m afraid I don’t have one. Would a bicycle do

How did the man respond to the woman’s request()
A. He lent her a car.
B. He offered her a bicycle.
C. He said he did not have any fuel.
D. He was afraid of losing his car.

W: Did you see the car that girl just drove past on
M: That wasn’t a bad-looking car. I wouldn’t mind having one like it.

What does the man say about the car()
A. He used to have one like that.
B. He didn’t think it looked good.
C. He would like to have one.
D. He couldn’t drive it.

W: I hardly ever go shopping by car now. The shopping center is within a walking distance.
M: Well, you are lucky. The nearest store I can go to is about two miles away.

How does the woman usually go shopping ()
A. She walks.
B. She hardly goes shopping.
C. She goes by car.
D. She shops by phone.

M: How can I get to work without a car
W: Why don’t you call a taxi

What does the woman suggest that he do ()
A. Work on his car.
B. Call a friend.
C. Take a taxi.
D. Walk to work.


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