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发布时间:2024-05-26 04:29:31

[填空题]We often use the term craving when referring to ______ addiction.

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[填空题]We often use the term craving when referring to ______ addiction.


When we think of Hollywood—a term I use loosely to describe American movie production in general, not simply films made in Los Angeles — we think of films aimed at musing audiences and making money for producers.
During the early years of the new century, as workers won their demands for higher wages and a shorter working week, leisure assumed an increasingly important role in everyday life. Amusement parks, professional baseball games, nickelodeons, and dance halls attracted a wide army of men and woman anxious to spend their hard-earned dollars in the pursuit of fun and relaxation. Yet of all these new cultural endeavours, films were the most important and widely attended source of amusement. For a mere five or ten cents, even the poorest worker could afford to take himself and his family to the local nickelodeon or storefront theatre "Every little town that has never been able to afford and maintain an opera house," observed one journalist in 1908
A. American movies production in general
B. films made in Los Angeles
C. an area in Los Angeles, famous because many popular films have been produced there
D. film aimed at amusing audiences and making money for them

[单项选择]When we think of leadership, we often think of strength and power. But what are these really, and how do they operate
Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things. If this is even possible, it is short term, and tends to backfire. If you order someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must, but the anger they feel will do more harm in the long term. They will also experience fear.
Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down, making the person unable to function at his or her best. If they associate you with this emotion of fear, they will become less functional around you, and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself in the foot, but possibly making a very good employee or partner unable to perform effectively. Fear has no place in leadership.
The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character, and our understanding and use of emotion. We can order someone to do something, which may be pa
A. provide a variety of projects for employees
B. help raise employees’ living standards
C. give employees specific instructions
D. deal wisely with employees’ emotions


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