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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:53:09

Types of risks
So far we have used the term "risk" rather loosely. One type of risk is default risk, that is, the risk that the borrower will simply not repay the loan, due to either dishonesty or plain inability to do so. Another type of risk, called purchasing - power risk, is the risk that, due to an unexpectedly high inflation rate, the future interest payments, and the principal of the loan when finally repaid, will have less purchasing power than the lender anticipated at the time the loan was made. A similar risk is faced by borrowers. A borrower may cheerfully agree to pay, say, 15 percent interest, expecting that a 12 percent inflation rate will reduce the real value of the loan. But inflation may be only 4 percent.
A third type of risk is called "interest - rate risk" or "market risk", tha
A. If you have purchased a fixed interest - rate security, then both the cash - in value and the interest you receive remain constant throughout the life of that security.
B. Buying a fixed interest - rate security of a limited term is very risky because any interest rate changes will produce a loss of cash - in value.
C. Buying a fixed length security with a fixed interest rate means that the cash - in value of that security will change as interest rates in general change.

更多"Types of risks So far we have"的相关试题:

Types of risks
So far we have used the term "risk" rather loosely. One type of risk is default risk, that is, the risk that the borrower will simply not repay the loan, due to either dishonesty or plain inability to do so. Another type of risk, called purchasing - power risk, is the risk that, due to an unexpectedly high inflation rate, the future interest payments, and the principal of the loan when finally repaid, will have less purchasing power than the lender anticipated at the time the loan was made. A similar risk is faced by borrowers. A borrower may cheerfully agree to pay, say, 15 percent interest, expecting that a 12 percent inflation rate will reduce the real value of the loan. But inflation may be only 4 percent.
A third type of risk is called "interest - rate risk" or "market risk", tha
A. The existence of inflation produces purchasing - power risk.
B. Purchasing - power risk involves a loss in the value of money loaned or borrowed be- cause of higher or lower inflation than expected.
C. Purchasing - power risk produced by an inflation higher than expected affects lenders only.
As long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean and we give (41) it.
We take fish from the ocean — millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to (42) millions of people. We even use (43) bones for fertilizer and meal.
We take (44) from the ocean. One way to get salt (45) sea water in a shallow basin and leave it (46) it evaporates. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation — iodine (碘), magnesium(镁), and bromine(溴), to (47) a few.
Much gold and silver drift (48) in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not (49) them up by simple evaporation.
Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges(海绵), and seaweed. Pearls become jewelry. (50) sponges become cleaning aids. Seaweed becomes (51) of many kinds —
A. no
B. not
C. none
D. nor


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