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发布时间:2024-05-23 18:23:00

[单项选择]If you desire an interview,I shall be most happy to call in person,on the day and at any time you may appoint.()
A. 如你渴望面试,我一定遵照所约定之时日,前往拜访。
B. 如你有意面试,我会很高兴在你约定的任何日期时间去拜访你。
C. 如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照所约定之时日,前往拜访。
D. 如你渴望面试,我会很高兴在你约定的任何日期时间亲自给你打电话。

更多"If you desire an interview,I shall "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the sentence “Shall I drive you to the airport first ” is turned into indirect speech, which of the following is most appropriate
A. He agreed to drive me to the airport first.
B. He offered to drive me to the airport first.
C. He advised me to go to the airport first.
D. He suggested that I drive to the airport first.
[填空题]We shall inform you about it as soon as we come to the (conclude) ______.

[单项选择]There is not much time left, so I shall tell you about it ().
A. in detail
B. in brief
C. for short
D. in all
[单项选择]A. I shall give you a discount.
B. The crisis is affecting the whole world.
C. I shall come in my Sunday best.
D. The price is still too high.
[单项选择]I shall tell you what he () at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.
A. was doing
B. did
C. had been doing
D. has done
[单项选择]We shall appreciate ( )from you soon.
A. being heard
B. to hear
C. having been heard
D. hearing
Do You Live in a Happy Country

Do you live in a happy country Chances are strong that you do. Results of a recent study have shown that many people around the world are happier now than in the past. The study is called the World Values Survey. Researchers responsible for the study are based at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research in the United States.
The researchers gathered information from opinion studies done in more than ninety countries or territories. Those studies were completed between nineteen eighty-one and two thousand seven. University of Michigan political scientist Ronald Inglehart directed the World Values Survey. Mister Inglehart says the results surprised him. He said it is widely believed that it is nearly impossible for happiness levels for a whole country to improve. He said many earlier studies have suggested that happiness levels do not really change.
Denmark was found to be the world’s
A. Many people around the world are happier now than in the past.
B. People feel less happiness now than in the past.
C. Few areas showed rising happiness.
D. The level of satisfaction keeps same as in nineteen forty-six.

Most libraries require you to register before you are allowed to borrow any of their materials. This means you will probably be asked to fill out and sign a registration card. When you do this, you are not only giving the library your name and address for their files, you are also signing an agreement. The agreement says, basically, that you will obey the rules of the library.
Once you are registered, you will be issued a library, or borrower’s card. Each time you check out, that is, officially borrow something from the library, you will have to present this card to the librarians.
You usually check out and return borrowed materials at the same desk. The library staff member at this desk will take your card and stamped the book card with a date. This is the date by which you are expected to return the materials to the library, so others can have the chance of borrowing it.
Some libraries charge a fine for each day a library book is overdue. T

[填空题]I shall tell you what he()(do) at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.


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