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发布时间:2023-10-23 00:48:52

[单项选择]The three largest cities in Canada do NOT include
A. Toronto.
B. Montreal.
C. Ottawa.
D. Vancouver.

更多"The three largest cities in Canada "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The three largest cities in Canada do NOT include
A. Toronto.
B. Quebec.
C. Ottawa.
D. Vancouver.

M: I’d like to go to Canada to do post-graduate work in medicine. Could I have some in formation please
W: Certainly. This handbook tells you what you must do to get into a medical school in Canada.

What did the woman give to the student()
A. A handbook.
B. Some medicine.
C. A Canadian post-graduate.
D. Some post-graduate work.
[简答题]Green Spaces in cities
Where do children play Years ago, any open field, any vacant lot, any group pf trees--these were the places where children played. As families left family farms, small towns, and the countryside, and moved into cities, the places for their children to play in became rarer. Children in the cities had few options, fewer choices of places to play.
In fact, all people’s lives change a lot when they move to the city. (51) In cities, homes are built on top of one another--in enormous apartment buildings. (52) The feeling of private space and ownership no longer exists in houses literally piled one on the other.
Psychologists have been studying the changes people experience when they leave rural area and move into urban environments. On clear findings from their studies is that people need green spaces for better mental health. Children can play on paved playgrounds. That’s true. However, they just don’t have as much fun as children i
[单项选择]Passage Three
What do consumers really want That’s a question market researchers would love to answer. But since people don’t always say what they think, marketers would need direct access to consumers’ thoughts to get the truth.
Now, in a way, that is possible. At the "Mind of the Market" laboratory at Harvard Business School, researchers are looking inside shoppers’ skulls to develop more effective advertisements and marketing pitches. Using imaging techniques that measure blood flow to various parts of the brain, the Harvard team hopes to predict how consumers will react to particular products and to discover the most effective ways to present information. Stephen Kosslyn, a professor of psychology at Harvard, and business school professor Gerald Zaltman, oversee the lab. "The goal is not to manipulate people’s preferences," says Kosslyn
A. Reading the Mind of the Market
B. Controlling the Consumers’ Preferences
C. Improving the Styles of Advertising
D. Finding Out the Way to Predict
[单项选择]Passage Three

What do humans and songbirds share according to Kroodsma’s research a. The change of accents and dislects along the way. b. The change of habits along the way. c. The change of appearance along the way. d. The change of numbers along the way.
[单项选择]Passage Three

How do songbirds learn their complex vocalizations a. They inherited by their parents. b. They have this naturally encoded in their genes. c. They learn by listening to others of their kind. d. They learn by listening to other kinds of birds.


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