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发布时间:2024-05-17 20:43:43


Sichuan University has not only (a variety of) departments (but) a large (student body) (consisting in) many people from different countries all over the world()

A. a variety of
B. but
C. student body
D. consisting in

更多"Sichuan University has not only (a "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Sichuan University has not only (a variety of) departments (but) a large (student body) (consisting in) many people from different countries all over the world()
A. a variety of
B. but
C. student body
D. consisting in
[填空题]Office revolution not only has changed how work is done but redefined the function of everyone who works in an office.
  • A. not only
  • B. how
  • C. redefined
  • D. works

[单项选择]A. The doctor only has time on Tuesdays.
B. The doctor is busy on Tuesday morning.
C. The man must come more than one time.
D. The man must arrive on time.
[单项选择]Aedes albopictus, a variety of mosquito that has recently established itself in the southeastern United States, is less widespread than the indigenous swamp mosquito. Both the swamp mosquito and A. albopictus can carry viruses that are sometimes fatal to humans, but A. albopictus is a greater danger to public health.
Each of the following, if tree, provides additional information that strengthens the judgment given about the danger to public health EXCEPT:
A. A.Unlike the swamp mosquito, albopictus originated in Asia, and larvae of it were not observed in the United States before the mid-1980’s.
B. B.Unlike the swamp mosquito, albopictus tends to spend most of its adult life near human habitation.
C. C.Unlike swamp mosquito larvae, albopictus larvae survive in flower pots, tin cans, and many small household objects that hold a little water.
D. D.In comparison with the swamp mosquito, albopictus hosts a much wider variety of viruses known to cause serious diseases in humans.
E. E.(E) albopictus seeks out a much wider range of animal hosts than does the swamp mosquito, and it is more likely to bite humans.
[单项选择]Only recently has biology begun to see itself as an information technology. An organism’s physiology and behavior are dictated largely by its genes. And those genes contain information written in code that is surprisingly similar to the digital code that computer scientists have devised for the storage and transmission of other information.
There are some differences, of Course. The genetic code has four elements (known as bases or letters), while a computer’s binary code has only two. And the bases of genetic code are grouped together in threes rather than in the eight-bit bytes of computing. But the similarities are so striking that biology is suddenly undergoing a serious amount of computerization. At the same time, there has been rapid progress in the machines that supply the raw material for the computer - the sequences of genetic bases to be analyzed. A single gene-sequencing machine can now read hundreds of thousands of bases per day; and newer technologies, such as "gene
A. A shortage of research funds.
B. A reluctance to acquire advanced mathematical skills.
C. An insufficient knowledge of computer languages.
D. An unwillingness to work cooperatively with mathematicians.
[单项选择]()the variety that the average family has in beef, fish, poultry, and vegetarian recipes, they find most meals unexciting.
A. In spite
B. Inspite
C. Despite of
D. Despite

Being an only child has little to do with a child’s social development. A recent study that followed thirty only children and thirty-five first-born children to the age of three found that the two groups of children behaved very similarly to each other toward their peers, their parents, and other adults.
Which of the following, if true, most weakens the conclusion drawn above()

A. The groups being compared did not contain the same number of children
B. More time was spent observing the interactions of children with their mothers than with their fathers
C. Most of the researchers involved in the study were persons who had no brothers or sisters
D. The first-born children were, on the average, nearly three when their parents had the second children
E. The "other adults" described in the study consisted mainly of members of the research team
[填空题]Office revolution (not only) has changed (how) work is done but (redefined) the function of everyone who (works) in an office. A. not only B. how C. redefined D. works
[填空题]Only the personal motivation study has produced information of enormous significance.
[简答题]Until now the local government has only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons exist. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport, they will be prepared to go ahead, as long as the arrangement will not lose money and children will be attending their nearest school.


Only one ship has been proudly called "unsinkable" and on its maiden voyage it sank. At 2:20 in the morning of April 15, 1912 Titanic went down in the northwest Atlantic, taking with it 1513 of the 2, 224 people on board. It was a sea disaster without equal, not so much because of the appalling death toll, but because it seemed to pass a damning comment on the ability and aspirations of man. The British ship was the newest and most luxurious ship in the world, nearly 275 meters long, 11 decks high, and a marvel of technology and science. Yet a 10-second scrape against the submerged shelf of a drifting iceberg turned all this achievement into mockery.
When the White Star Line’s Titanic sailed from Southampton on April 10 bound for New York, its passenger list included many millionaires and members of British and American fashionable Society, all bent on enjoying a carefree week’s voyage on the latest miracle of the sea. Far below, on levels ignored by


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