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发布时间:2024-03-28 20:08:00

[单项选择]Which of the following hypothetical discoveries, if made, would be most likely to reduce the technical difficulties in producing plastic from organic crops
A. a source of refining fossil fuels that significantly reduces their cost to plastic manufacturers
B. a way of maintaining grain yields while producing high quantities of plastic that do not interfere with the functioning of plant chloroplasts
C. a means of reducing the clean-up cost of environmental damage wrought by CO2 and SO2 emissions
D. a means of yielding greater efficiency from coal-based fuels used in the organic plastic-production process
E. the discovery of a renewable source of plant-sugar that would lessen reliance on fossil fuels in organic plastic-manufacture

更多"Which of the following hypothetical"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following hypothetical discoveries, if made, would cast MOST doubt on the most recent conclusions regarding the function of the human appendix
A. After laboratory experiments, scientists discover evidence to reject the notion that the human appendix is a "vestigial" organ.
B. Certain animal species which had not previously been given attention are discovered to possess an appendix resembling that of humans.
C. Lymphoid tissue is discovered, after careful study, not to play a role in the recognition of foreign antigens in ingested material.
D. After re-examination of the evidence, ulcerative colitis is discovered to be caused by factors wholly unrelated to the human appendix.
E. It is discovered that in rabbits, hindgut fermentation does not require the presence of an organ acting as reservoir for bacteria.
[单项选择]Which of the hypothetical discoveries would MOST likely shed doubt on the author’s claim that "field regeneration" could be responsible for the earth’s magnetic reversals
A. Extreme fluctuations in the dynamo processes are discovered to be exceedingly rare, if they occur at all.
B. Magnetic field lines are discovered to diffuse very poorly through the earth’s outer core.
C. Realignment of the earth’s magnetic polarity is discovered to occur much more frequently than was previously believed.
D. Molten iron is discovered to be a poorer electrical conductor than was previously believed.
E. The earth’s core is found to move at a much faster rate than had previously been measured.
[单项选择]Which of the following hypothetical scientific discoveries would best support the cultural relativist view of emotion
A. Biological differences are noted in the parts of the brain governing emotional expressions in various races.
B. Animals are discovered to express fear or excitement in an emotional manner when threatened.
C. Japanese students are found to express certain emotions in a manner identical to Chinese students.
D. African tribesmen are unable to identify the emotional facial expressions on actors in a film with Western characters.
E. The rules governing the expression of emotion can be expressed and translated from one language to another.
[单项选择]Which of the following discoveries would likely have an effect upon the views of scientists similar to that of the explosion of El Chico
A. The history of wildfires in North America demonstrates that controlled blazes have a positive effect on the environment, on the whole.
B. The capability of certain metal alloys to withstand great heat proves greater than that of another, confirming metallurgists’ suspicions.
C. The study of seismological data proves that existing safety standards in
D. One cigarette brand is found to cause fewer cases of cancer than another brand, disproving the notion that the first brand’s contents are more carcinogenic.
E. Ideas concerning the causes of schizophrenia are complicated by the discovery of a rare new psychotic condition whose symptoms defy explanation.
[单项选择]Which of the following words is a coinage, which is often used in the advertisements or brand names( )
A. Homely.
B. Package.
C. Smoothness.
D. Homeoffice.
[单项选择]Which italicized part in the following sentences indicates REASON
[单项选择]Passage 3

Which of the following is not included in the services of Yahoo Go for Mobile a. Yahoo e-mail. b. Searching engine. c. Online MSN cheating. d. Address book.
[单项选择]According to the speaker, which of the following is true about the canal boats
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Alzheimer’s disease

A. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Alzheimer’s disease


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