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发布时间:2024-01-16 18:42:12

[简答题]Why Do We Need English

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[简答题]Why Do We Need English
[简答题]Why do we say "English is a heavy borrower" Please justify it.
[填空题]Why do you need food We need food for ______.
[单项选择]Why do we make people do exams It’s a strange form of torture to go through just for a piece of paper.
In the months before the exam it seems all right. You tell yourself that what you don’t know today you can learn tomorrow. Then come the last few weeks, and the desperate rush to learn all the things you put off till tomorrow that never comes, culminating (达到顶点) in the last few days, as you realize that what you don’t know you’ll never learn.
The day of the exam arrives, and you have to make sure you go to the right place on time, well supplied with pens, pencils and tranquillizers (镇静剂). What really undermines your confidence is that all the other candidates seem so calm and self-assured.
When you finally look at the paper, it’s a bit of an anti-climax (令人扫兴的结局). It’s never as bad as you feared, and you remember most of the things you thought you’d forgotten.
The word "torture" (in Paragraph 1) most probably means ______.
A. happiness B. punishment C. sad
[填空题]Why do we categorize science fiction as one of the branches of prose fiction
[填空题]Why do we laugh For years scientists have asked themselves this question. No other animals lau
gh and smile--only human beings, so does laughter help us to (36) in any way The answer seems to be that smiling and laughter help us to relax, reducing (37) and preventing illnesses which are caused by stress. Laughter really is the best (38) !
But if you’re unhappy, it can’t do you any good to smile, can it Not true. Apparently the (39) effects of smiling are just the same (40) you feel like smiling or not. Scientists in California asked a group of (41) to act five different feelings: happiness, sadness, (42) , surprise and fear--just using their faces.
Changes in their heart rate, blood pressure and temperature were (43) down. Most of the feelings they acted didn’t cause changes, but when they smiled their heart rate and their blood pressure went down. (44) . A sense of hu


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