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发布时间:2024-05-27 02:34:33

{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

A common result of being frustrated is an act of aggression, sometimes violent. To be alive is to have a goal and pursue it — anything from cleaning the house, or planning a vacation, to saving money for retirement. If somebody or something blocks the goal, we begin to feel pent up and thwarted. Then we get mad. The blocked goal, the sense of frustration, aggressive action —this is the normal human sequence. If we are aware of what is going on inside us, however, we can save ourselves a good deal of needless pain and trouble.
Everyone has encountered frustration on the highways. You are driving along a two-lane road behind a big trailer-truck. You’re in a hurry, while the truck driver seems to be enjoying the scenery. After miles of increasing frustration you grow to hate him. Finally you step on the gas and pass him defiantly, regardless of the chance you may be taking. This kind of frustration must ca
A. They probably grow up in poor families.
B. They are born to experience failures.
C. They probably have been spoiled by indulgent parents.
D. They may have received undue frustrations in childhood.

更多"{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}} A common result"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

A common result of being frustrated is an act of aggression, sometimes violent. To be alive is to have a goal and pursue it—anything from cleaning the house, or planning a vacation, to saving money for retirement. If somebody or something blocks the goal, we begin to feel pent up and thwarted. Then we get mad. The blocked goal, the sense of frustration, aggressive action—this is the normal human sequence. If we are aware of what is going on inside us, however, we can save ourselves a good deal of needless pain and trouble.
Everyone has encountered frustration on the highways. You are driving along a two-lane road behind a big trailer-truck. You’re in a hurry, while the truck driver seems to be enjoying the scenery. After miles of increasing frustration you grow to hate him. Finally you step on the gas and pass him defiantly, regardless of the chance you may be taking. This kind of frustration must c
A. overeating
B. suicide
C. hitting back directly
D. displacement
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

At last her efforts bore fruit. Burton was appointed to Santos, in Brazil, where Isabel might also go. They made their farewell rounds and Isabel learnt Portuguese while she packed up. At Lisbon three, inch cockroaches seethed about the floor of their room. Isabel was caught off her guard, but Burton was brutal," I suppose you think you look very pretty, standing on that chair and howling at those innocent creatures." Isabel’s reaction was typical. She reflected that of course he was right; if she had to live in a country full of such creatures, and worse, she had better pull herself together. She got down and started lashing out with a slipper. In two hours she had got a bag of ninety-seven.
On arrival in Brazil she found that Portuguese fauna had been nothing. Now there were spiders, as big as crabs. In the matter of tropical diseases it seems to have ranked with darkest Africa; there were slaves, too, and
A. had been trying to get her husband a job in a place where she could go with him.
B. had been trying to get her husband a job in Brazil.
C. was always trying to plant fruit trees from Brazil.
D. was always trying to make great efforts in Brazil.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Imagining being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted only of members of own sex, how would you react Unless there was something definitely wrong with you, you wouldn’t be too happy about it, to say the least. It is all the more surprising therefore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such abnormal conditions on their children—conditions which they themselves wouldn’t put up with for one minute!
Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the aims of education. Stuffing children’s heads full of knowledge is far from being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of educations is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated school possibly offer the right sort of preparation for it Anyone entering adult society after years of segregation c
A. Only co-education can make women equal to men.
B. People are in need of both co-education and aggregated education.
C. What makes the society truly harmonious is simply unthinkable.
D. Co-education has many features.
[单项选择]{{B}}Text E{{/B}}
India is being invaded by Kentucky Fried Chicken. That, at least, was the charge made last week by a nationalist group, which sought to shut down the fast-food chain’s first outlet in India on the ground that American "junk food" is beneath local health standards. But the cry of fowl play was nothing next to the outrage that many Indians felt when they learned that another US multinational, W. R. Grace & Co., had allegedly patented and claimed rights to their revered neem tree. Known in Sanskrit as Sarva Rogo Nivarini, or "curer of all ailments," the so-called miracle tree has served for millennia as a kind of comer drugstore to rural Indians. The neem’s leaves and bark are used to heal ailments from acne to infections to diabetes; its seeds can become pesticides. Its twigs even make a good rustic toothbrush.
As the news spread
A. Nationalism.
B. Awareness of environmental protection.
C. Fear of the neem tree.
D. Hatred of foreigners.
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Northern marshes are being turned into empty, desecrated mud flat wasteland. The culprit Snow geese.
These marshes are the breeding ground for snow geese. Once destroyed, some fear the species will take over the habitat of the Canada goose —a popular game bird in Minnesota. If this happens, Minnesota hunting and land conditions could be greatly affected.
The snow goose population has been on the rise in the last 25 years, but numbers are hitting an all-time high. This year there is an estimated 4.5 or 6 million birds, triple what the population was 25 years ago.
Although effects of the snow goose invasion aren’t apparent in Minneapolis, northern Minnesota and Canada can clearly see the signs. The population growth is due to the birds’ wintering habits. They fly south to Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi to nest. The conditions and food availability there have made it possible for more birds to s
A. lack of natural enemies
B. great care of wildlife preservationists
C. favorable conditions in their winter habitat
D. changes in their migration patterns


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