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发布时间:2024-04-17 22:19:19

  • A. Isn’t she your girlfriend
  • B. They said she had left for London
  • C. What’s the problem
  • D. Her office left you a message
  • E. Why not invite me, then
  • F. They said they had phoned Linda
  • G. The manager of their office had suddenly fallen iii
  • H. Sorry, I lost my way
    A: Are you phoning Linda
    B: Yes. But how did you know
    A: (56)
    B: What did they say
    A: (57)
    B: What happened
    A: (58) . She had to go and take his place for three days.
    B: That’s too bad.
    A: (59)
    B: You see, I had arranged for us to have a dinner with a friend tonight.
    A: (60)
    B: Sure. Why not


更多"A. Isn’t she your girlfriend "的相关试题:

  • A. Isn’t she your girlfriend
  • B. They said she had left for London
  • C. What’s the problem
  • D. Her office left you a message
  • E. Why not invite me, then
  • F. They said they had phoned Linda
  • G. The manager of their office had suddenly fallen iii
  • H. Sorry, I lost my way
    A: Are you phoning Linda
    B: Yes. But how did you know
    A: (56)
    B: What did they say
    A: (57)
    B: What happened
    A: (58) . She had to go and take his place for three days.
    B: That’s too bad.
    A: (59)
    B: You see, I had arranged for us to have a dinner with a friend tonight.
    A: (60)
    B: Sure. Why not

A. Isn’t she your girlfriend
B. They said she had left for London
C. What’s the problem
D. Her office left you a message
E. Why not invite me, then
F. They said they had phoned Linda
G. The manager of their office had suddenly fallen iii
H. Sorry, I lost my way
A: Are you phoning Linda
B: Yes. But how did you know
A: (56)
B: What did they say
A: (57)
B: What happened
A: (58) . She had to go and take his place for three days.
B: That’s too bad.
A: (59)
B: You see, I had arranged for us to have a dinner with a friend tonight.
A: (60)
B: Sure. Why not
[填空题]She is your mother’s sister.

[单项选择]A. She’s annoyed.
B. She’s angry.
C. She’s sympathetic.
D. She’s worried.
[单项选择]She can’t help ( ) the house because she’s busy making a cake.
A. to clean
B. cleaning
C. cleaned
D. being cleaned
[单项选择]A. She’s busy.
B. She’s tired.
C. She’s ill.
[单项选择]A. She thinks it’s a good piece of news. B. She thinks it’s reasonable for the man to win.
C. She feels so happy to get the news. D. She refuses to win scholarship.


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