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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:57:36

[填空题]Cambridge Business English Certificate Course
Success in this new Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is your passport to a successful career in business.
This special two-month training course consists of a series of 6-hour Sunday seminars from March 12--April 24 OR 3-hour evening seminars on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from March 21 to April 29.
Our strategy for success includes:
· Small Classes, grouped by ability;
· Experienced, professional teachers;
· Detailed instruction in business English and test strategies;
· Practice exams under actual test conditions
Co-sponsored by China Daily and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Registration starts soon
Date: March 1 to 10;
Fees: 350 yuan;
Location: University of International Business and Economics;
Tel: 4222172,4225522-3109

How are the small classes formed
Students are grouped into s

更多"Cambridge Business English Certific"的相关试题:

[填空题]Cambridge Business English Certificate Course
Success in this new Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is your passport to a successful career in business.
This special two-month training course consists of a series of 6-hour Sunday seminars from March 12—April 24 OR 3-hour evening seminars on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from March 21 to April 29.
Our strategy for success includes:
·Small Classes, grouped by ability;
·Experienced, professional teachers;
·Detailed instruction in business English and test strategies;
·Practice exams under actual test conditions
Co-sponsored by China Daily and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Registration starts soon
Date: March 1 to 10;
Fees: 350 yuan;
Location: University of International Business and Economics;
Tel: 4222172, 4225522-3109

How long does this training course
[填空题]Cambridge Business English Certificate Course
Success in this new Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) is your passport to a successful career in business.
This special two-month training course consists of a series of 6-hour Sunday seminars from March 12--April 24 OR 3-hour evening seminars on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from March 21 to April 29.
Our strategy for success includes:
· Small Classes, grouped by ability;
· Experienced, professional teachers;
· Detailed instruction in business English and test strategies;
· Practice exams under actual test conditions
Co-sponsored by China Daily and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Registration starts soon
Date: March 1 to 10;
Fees: 350 yuan;
Location: University of International Business and Economics;
Tel: 4222172,4225522-3109
How long does this training course last


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