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发布时间:2023-12-17 03:21:48

[单项选择]The never-ceasing pace of scientific accomplishment often surpasses the progress of moral thought, leaving people struggling to make sense, initially at least, of whether heart transplants are ethical or test-tube babies desirable. Over the past three decades scientists have begun to investigate a branch of medicine that offers astonishing promise—the ability to repair the human body and even grow new organs—but which destroys early-stage embryos to do so. In "The Stem Cell Hope" Alice Park, a science writer at Time magazine, chronicles the scientific, political, ethical and personal struggles of those involved in the work.
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent (多能性的): they have the ability to change into any one of the 200- odd types of cell that compose the human body; but they can do so only at a very early stage. Once the bundle has reached more than about 150 cells, they start to specialize. Research into repairing severed spinal cords or growing new hearts has thus needed a s
A. scientific achievements occur at a slower rate than people’s expectation
B. repairing human bodies and growing new organs have already been realized
C. Alice Park has proved the meaning of stem cells in "The Stem Cell Hope"
D. people are concerned about moral and ethical implications of scientific research

更多"The never-ceasing pace of scientifi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The never-ceasing pace of scientific accomplishment often surpasses the progress of moral thought, leaving people struggling to make sense, initially at least, of whether heart transplants are ethical or test-tube babies desirable. Over the past three decades scientists have begun to investigate a branch of medicine that offers astonishing promise—the ability to repair the human body and even grow new organs—but which destroys early-stage embryos to do so. In "The Stem Cell Hope" Alice Park, a science writer at Time magazine, chronicles the scientific, political, ethical and personal struggles of those involved in the work.
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent (多能性的): they have the ability to change into any one of the 200- odd types of cell that compose the human body; but they can do so only at a very early stage. Once the bundle has reached more than about 150 cells, they start to specialize. Research into repairing severed spinal cords or growing new hearts has thus needed a s
A. American scientists were strongly criticized for human cloning
B. government-funded researches were banned from controversial topics
C. American universities started to conduct similar research overseas
D. the IVF industry is starting to disappear in the US
[单项选择]Scientific tradition demands that scientific papers follow the formal progression :method first, results second, conclusion third. The rules permit no hint that, as often happens, the method was really made up as the scientist went along, or that accidental results determined the method, or that the scientist reached certain conclusions before the results were all in, or that he started out with certain conclusions, or that he started doing a different experiment.   Much scientific writing not only misrepresents the workings of science but also does a disservice to scientists themselves. By writing reports that make scientific investigations sound as unvarying and predictable as the sunrise, scientists tend to spread the curious notion that science is infallible. That many of them are unconscious of the effect they create does not alter the image in the popular mind. We hear time and again of the superiority of the "scientific method". In fact, the word "unscientific" has almost becom
A. require well worked-out methods in experiment.
B. ask for elimination of any accidental outcomes.
C. refuse inconformity of conclusions with results.
D. conflict with actual conditions as often as not.

With the increasing pace of economic globalization and competition among various countries in the market, information, technology, professionals, capital and other types of economic resources is becoming increasingly evident. International (1) is becoming progressively (2) . Previously (3) competition among enterprises in different countries is growing gradually into competition among governments that finds expression in a concentrated form. Previous (4) contention for enterprises’ interests in the world market now evidences itself in the contention for (5) interests. In this new situation, to (6) national interests and to enable a country to be constantly in a favorable position in the international market, the most important thing is to have a highly (7) government that (8) the full trust of citizens.
The basic objective of the study of the "government administration" is to (9) A. manageable 
B. liable 
C. movable 
D. notable


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