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发布时间:2024-05-25 07:17:45

1. The speaker had a problem finding .................... for his computer.
2. Initially, the speaker bought from ..................... businesses.
3. Four years after its launch, Manshee’s ...................... was £6 m.
4. The company grew rapidly without having ......................
5. The main factor in the company’s decisions was the current month’s ..................
6. ............................... fell as a result of competition.
7. Manshee’s consultants work mostly with ........................
8. The consultants made Manshee’s directors put their future ................ in order of priority.
9. The directors first focused on .................... and financial goals.
10. What the speaker feels was particularly valuable was the .................. of the consultants’ advice.
11. Manshee classifies its customers on the basis of their .........................


1. The speaker had a problem finding .................... for his computer.
2. Initially, the speaker bought from ..................... businesses.
3. Four years after its launch, Manshee’s ...................... was £6 m.
4. The company grew rapidly without having ......................
5. The main factor in the company’s decisions was the current month’s ..................
6. ............................... fell as a result of competition.
7. Manshee’s consultants work mostly with ........................
8. The consultants made Manshee’s directors put their future ................ in order of priority.
9. The directors first focused on .................... and financial goals.
10. What the speaker feels was particularly valuable was the .................. of the consultants’ advice.
11. Manshee classifies its customers on the basis of their .........................

[单项选择]In the earliest stages of man’s development he had no more need of money than animals. He was content with very simple forms of shelter, made his own rough tools and weapons and could provide food and clothing for himself and his family from natural materials around him. As he became more civilized, however, he began to want better shelter, more efficient tools and weapons, and more comfortable and more lasting clothing than could be provided by his own neighborhood or by the work of his own unskilled hands. For these things he had to turn to the skilled people Such as smiths, leather workers or carpenters who were springing up everywhere. It was then that the question of payment arose.
At first he got what he wanted by a simple process of exchange. The smith who had not the time to look after land or cattle was glad to take meat or grain from the farmer in exchange for an axe or a plough. But as more and more goods which had no fixed exchange value came on the market, exchange
A. they had simple forms of shelter
B. they had to provide food and clothing for themselves
C. they had no enough natural resources around them
D. they could meet basic needs through their own efforts

A Desert Between Paul and Clara
Paul had long promised to marry Clara. But at thirty-three he met and married Alice. Clara was driven mad.
Paul was taken to court. The judge ordered him to pay Clara $600 because of the broken promise. Paul had to borrow the money from a moneylender. He agreed to pay back $5 a month--for twenty years. His wages at the time were $16 a month.
Paul and Alice were poor but not unhappy. They had little enough food, certainly, even before the children began to arrive. Each month Paul paid $5 to the moneylender. He worked hard, never taking a holiday, in time, there were seven mouths to feed.
Illness was always with them. It grew serious when the oldest child was eight. The years of hunger weakened the family, because each month Paul paid $5. The details of the sickness were ugly, but the result was this: after twelve years of family life, Paul was alone in the world.
He lived alone, except for memories. Wor
A. poor but not sad.
B. very sick.
C. free from debt.
D. lonely and unhappy.


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