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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:57:35


The United States, Britain, Austria, Canada and Australia are particularly rich in university accommodations, with summer rentals available in major cities and smaller towns. The English Tourism Council is planning to introduce a rating system this summer assessing the cleanliness, hospitality, facilities and food quality of the nation’s campus lodgings. Ratings will be posted at www. visitbritain, com. Most United States universities give priority to summer students and conference participants. Still, rooms may become available at the last minute, so call a university’s accommodations office directly. Here is a selection of facilities around the world: Trinity College Dublin has run a summer hotel for almost 20 years, a fraction of the college’s 400-year history, but long enough to develop a devoted cadre of annual visitors. The campus’s cobbled walkways, historic buildings and illuminated manuscript of the Book of Kells are tourist attractions in themsel

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The United States, Britain, Austria, Canada and Australia are particularly rich in university accommodations, with summer rentals available in major cities and smaller towns. The English Tourism Council is planning to introduce a rating system this summer assessing the cleanliness, hospitality, facilities and food quality of the nation’s campus lodgings. Ratings will be posted at www. visitbritain, com. Most United States universities give priority to summer students and conference participants. Still, rooms may become available at the last minute, so call a university’s accommodations office directly. Here is a selection of facilities around the world: Trinity College Dublin has run a summer hotel for almost 20 years, a fraction of the college’s 400-year history, but long enough to develop a devoted cadre of annual visitors. The campus’s cobbled walkways, historic buildings and illuminated manuscript of the Book of Kells are tourist attractions in themsel


 The United States, Britain, Austria, Canada and Australia are particularly rich in university accommodations, with summer rentals available in major cities and smaller towns. The English Tourism Council is planning to introduce a rating system this summer assessing the cleanliness, hospitality, facilities and food quality of the nation’s campus lodgings. Ratings will be posted at www. visitbritain, com. Most United States universities give priority to summer students and conference participants. Still, rooms may become available at the last minute, so call a university’s accommodations office directly. Here is a selection of facilities around the world: Trinity College Dublin has run a summer hotel for almost 20 years, a fraction of the college’s 400-year history, but long enough to develop a devoted cadre of annual visitors. The campus’s cobbled walkways, historic buildings and illuminated manuscript of the Book of Kells are tourist attractions in t

People ill the United States and Canada often shake hands when they meet each other. This. handshake is not the same as the hmldshake in other coumdes. Herw is How to shake hands appropriately (正确的):
Hold Ihe other person’s hand firnlly (紧紧的).
The pabn (手掌) of your hand should cover the palm of the hand of tile person you m shaldng hands with. not just the fingertips (指尖).
Look the person th the eye and smile when you shake hands.
People like to ______ when they meet.
[单项选择]Societies such as the United States or Canada, are characterized by various national, religious, and cultural differences, as a result, people there highly value individualism -the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students work individually and find answers themselves rather than memorize information. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.
American people attach much importance to individualism because
A. they are required to work individually instead of in groups.
B. they have so much in common that difference is valued.
C. the educational systems teach people to value individualism.
D. they come from different national, religious and cultural backgrounds.
[单项选择]In North America, the United States and Canada have eliminated virtually all trade barriers, while similar efforts have been made among the members of the European Community. Cooperation is less extensive in East Asia, where Japanese industries tend to set the lead in exporting industrial goods to other countries. The free movement of most products across the borders has led to closer integration of industries within North America and Western Europe. For example, traditionally, most automobiles sold in Canada were manufactured in Canada, but now most automobiles sold in Canada are assembled in the United States. On balance, however, Canada exports twice as many automobiles to its southern neighbor as it imports. Every Chevrolet Caprice and Ford Taurus sold in Canada is actually assembled in the United States, but every Chevrolet Lumina and Ford Crown Victoria sold in the United States is actually assembled in Canada. At the same time they have promoted internal cooperation, the
A. hinder foreign companies from selling in Japan
B. promote selling in Japan
C. maintain balanced trade with other countries
D. operate factories in other countries
[单项选择]The United States and Canada have agreed ______ in regard to the Great Lakes.
A. to eliminate swimming entirely
B. to limit boating and
C. to limit phosphates and detergents
D. to kill all algae


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