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发布时间:2023-10-04 19:54:10

[单项选择]At first Jackie prayed, frozen in fear, but gradually his terror()curiosity
A. put up with
B. lived up to
C. did away with
D. gave way to

更多"At first Jackie prayed, frozen in f"的相关试题:

[单项选择]At first Jackie prayed, frozen in fear, but gradually his terror ______ curiosity.
A. put up with
B. lived up to
C. did away with
D. gave way to
[多项选择]The Declining Employment Rate of University Graduates
(1) 近年来大学毕业生的就业率越来越低;
(2) 产生这宗现象的原因;
(3) 作为一名大学生,你认为该如何解决这种局面
[填空题]From which university did he graduate
He graduated from ______.

The media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s, I re member experiencing the events related to the People’s Park that were occurring on campus. Some of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinctions between these realities.
Electronic media are having a greater impact on the people’s lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village, or what one writer calls the Electronic City. Consider the information that television brings into
A. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots
B. The Impact of Media on Current Events
C. The 1989 San Francisco Earthquake and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots
D. How Media Cover Events
[单项选择]She became ______ in travelling a lot after graduation.
A. interest
B. interested
C. interesting
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

Video conferencing is gradually becoming an accepted means in which to do business. For a long time is suffered from the image of the video conferencing suite, cumbersome and expensive to operate with long booking lead times. Its use tended to be confined to special executive meetings on different continents and its practicality for everyday uses tended to be overlooked. That was perfectly understandable given the state of the technology. But desktop video conferencing entered the market with an explosion of publicity several years ago and has been growing at a steady rate since. Market predictions show growth rates of around 60-100% year on year as more and more companies axe beginning to embrace the concepts and applications of video conferencing.
Changes in the way we work are going to provide one of the most important spurs to the growth in the use of this technology. Mobile working is making tradit
A. the use of video conferencing is still a mystery for the general public
B. video conferencing may be as simple as telephones for communication
C. face to face relationship is important for customers and suppliers
D. video conferencing is especially popular with information technology firms
[单项选择]The explorers were trudging across a frozen waterway when suddenly the ice began to shake and fall apart, and the whole team fell into the( )water.
A. bland
B. rigid
C. frigid
D. furious
[填空题]Any frozen treat can be called ice cream.


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