发布时间:2023-12-14 19:32:39


Passage Three
Most Americans today have some insurance against long-term illness or injury, or the death of the family wage-earner. Nearly all who work, including the self-employed, are covered by retirement programs. Four out of five employees now have access to unemployment benefits.
The Social Security law, which covers more than 90 percent of the work force, provides a national system of payments in old age and disability benefits. Over the years the law has been broadened’ to give greater protection in all categories.
The Social Security system is financed through a tax paid by workers and their employers during the years of employment. Self-employed persons, who also pay into the system, are covered as well. When workers retire at age 65, they receive monthly payments on a scale to their previous earnings; reduced benefits am paid to those retiring at ages 62 through 64. Benefits are also paid to nonworking widows and widowers, to childr
A. taxes for social security
B. a tax for unemployment insurance
C. for the group health program
D. for the pension system

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Passage Three
Most Americans today have some insurance against long-term illness or injury, or the death of the family wage-earner. Nearly all who work, including the self-employed, are covered by retirement programs. Four out of five employees now have access to unemployment benefits.
The Social Security law, which covers more than 90 percent of the work force, provides a national system of payments in old age and disability benefits. Over the years the law has been broadened’ to give greater protection in all categories.
The Social Security system is financed through a tax paid by workers and their employers during the years of employment. Self-employed persons, who also pay into the system, are covered as well. When workers retire at age 65, they receive monthly payments on a scale to their previous earnings; reduced benefits am paid to those retiring at ages 62 through 64. Benefits are also paid to nonworking widows and widowers, to childr
A. the Social Security law
B. the social security and insurance system
C. unemployment insurance
D. retirement benefits

[单项选择]Passage Three
Americans are well known for the strange diets they always seem to be following. It seems that Americans like to diet almost as much as they like to eat. New types of diet plans are always coming out. Usually, though, they don’t stay popular for long.
There are many diets on the market. It is often difficult to know which ones really work. It’s also hard to believe how fast a dieter is supposed to shed pounds. A lot has been written about dieting. And some interesting facts about diets and foods have been discovered.
For example, did you know that the more celery you eat, the more weight you will lose.9 Celery has "negative" calories. The body burns up more calories digesting a piece of celery than there are in the celery stick itself.
Dieters shun potatoes because they think they are fattening. But they aren’t. A potato has about the same number of calories as an apple. To gain a single pound, you would have to eat eleven pounds of po
A. vegetables
B. fads
C. Americans
D. dieting
Passage Three
What do Americans often think of when thinking of freedom
A. Collectivism.
B. Equality.
C. Social group.
D. Individualism.

Passage Four
Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education-not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren’t difficult to find.
"Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual," says education writer Diane Ravitch. "Schools could be a counterbalance." Razitch’s latest bock, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.
But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control. Without the ability to think critically, t
A. The habit of thinking independently.
B. Profound knowledge of the world.
C. Practical abilities for future career.
D. The confidence in intellectual pursuits.

[单项选择]Passage 2
One in three Americans said that money was a crucial factor in their decision to work for pay (or have a spouse work) rather than stay home to raise the children, with Baby Boomer women most likely to have made that choice. Forty-five percent of Baby Boomer women—compared with just 32 percent of those 55 and over—said they went to work. "Baby Boomer women, especially the older ones, grew up expecting to replicate the pattern of their mothers’ lives," suggests Hochschild. "But then the bills started coming in and more job opportunities opened up, and these women moved into a life they hadn’t anticipated."
Money played a great role in marriage—even an unhappy one. Approximately 18 percent of all those interviewed said they stayed married because they lacked money to get a divorce, while less than 8 percent said that financial strain
A. there were more job opportunities
B. they were bored staying at home
C. they don’t have enough money to buy their own house
D. life was costly
[单项选择]Most famous people have some unusual story associated with their names. Casanova, for example, was a legend in his own time. He was the epitome of the gallant adventurer and lover. However, he spent thirteen years of his life as a librarian!
Thomas Edison, the brilliant inventor, was deaf from the age of twelve. The young Edison’s hearing loss was long believed to have been caused when he tried to catch a moving train and a conductor grabbed him by the ears to pull him on board. Edison himself liked to tell this story. No one is really sure how he did lose his hearing.
Great writers and artists often require various types of inspirational warm-up before they create. Rudyard Kipling could not write unless his pen was filled with black ink, and only black ink. Ludwig van Beethoven poured icy cold water over his head before he composed his music. He felt that the cold water would refresh his brain. The author Charles Dickens always faced north when working or sleeping. Tycho Bra
A. Everyone knows
B. Edison himself liked to tell
C. No one knows
D. Edison himself disbelieved


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