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发布时间:2024-05-19 18:46:16

The sun shines because it is made of glowing gases. It gives off its own light. The moon shines too, but it doesn’t give off any light of its own. We can see the moon only because it reflects light from the sun.
The moon travels around the earth about every twenty-nine days. During this time, the moon looks as if it changes size and shape. It seems to grow from a small part of a shining circle into a full circle. Then it becomes small again. The moon doesn’t really change. It is just because we see different parts of it lit up by the sun.
The sun shines because it ______.
A. gets light from the moon
B. is made of glowing gases
C. travels around the earth

更多"根据下面短文回答下列问题。 The sun shines becau"的相关试题:

The sun shines because it is made of glowing gases. It gives off its own light. The moon shines too, but it doesn’t give off any light of its own. We can see the moon only because it reflects light from the sun.
The moon travels around the earth about every twenty-nine days. During this time, the moon looks as if it changes size and shape. It seems to grow from a small part of a shining circle into a full circle. Then it becomes small again. The moon doesn’t really change. It is just because we see different parts of it lit up by the sun.
While the moon travels around the earth, it ______.
A. shines with its own light
B. doesn’t get light from the sun
C. seems to change shape
Many American families live busy lives. Every week, the children have sports, music lessons, club meetings, and many other activities, including(包括)hours of homework. The parents are busy, too. They work, take care of their homes, cook meals, and drive their children to activities. Some families do not have time to eat meals together more than once a week. One American community(社区)decided that it was time to take a break.
After seven months of planning, the community of Ridgewood, New Jersey, took one night off. They called it "Family Night", a night for families to spend time together. Sports teams stopped their practices, and teachers did not give homework.
On Family Night, families agreed to turn off their televisions. They also decided not to answer the telephone. Answering machines said, "Please call back tomorrow." Many families ordered take-out pizza and other take-out food so that they wouldn’t spend time cooking.
A. have no homework
B. spend several hours doing their homework every day
C. spend several hours doing their homework every week
New York Student Housing Center

We have got what students are looking for in close-to-school housing. Come and see our houses-safe, not expensive and comfortable for living. We have all the things that you need, such as TV and Internet. The houses are fully furnished(提供家具的) and ready for moving in! We also have comfortable rooms for roommate share. The rent may be paid weekly, monthly or yearly. Our phone number is 800-298-3579. Call us if you are interested.

For whom is this advertisement(广告)
A. Parents.
B. Students.
C. Teachers.

There were three professors at the railway station. They were deep in conversation. The train had just arrived, but they didn’t see it. Then the guard (列车员) shouted (喊道), "Take your seats, please!"
The professors heard the shouts and rushed for the train. Two of them got on the train before it moved. The third one was left behind. He looked sad. One of his students was at the station. He told the professor, "It wasn’t too bad, sir. Two out of three got on the train."
But the professor said, "It was my train. My two friends only came to say goodbye./

The three professors didn’t see the train, because ______
A. They were deep in the water
B. They were wearing glasses, and couldn’t see clearly
C. They were deep in talking

Pigeons have a natural instinct(天性) to go back home, even if they are very far away and the trip is hard or dangerous. Men use this homing instinct to send messages(传言) on small pieces of paper which are fixed to the pigeons’ backs or legs. In war time, pigeons have been known to fly 75 miles an hour and to run 500 or 600 miles. These homing pigeons begin their training(训练) when they are about four weeks old. After a few weeks they begin flying and carrying messages. If everything goes well, they can work about four years.

Pigeons having worked in war can fly ______ an hour.
A. over 75 miles
B. about 7 to 8 hours
C. over 600 miles

Miss Jane teaches English in school. Her students are very smart and polite. One day she was having an English class. She asked her students to read after her, and walked slowly, listening to each of the students. Suddenly she saw her own shoes were different. They were not a pair (一双). She quickly went to stand behind the big table and taught her class from there. When class was over, she went out of the classroom quickly.
The next day she came to her class. Everybody was reading English. She was very happy. She went to check every student. To her surprise (令她惊讶的是), everyone was wearing a pair of mismatched (搭配错的) shoes.

Miss Jane went to stand behind the big table when she saw her own shoes, because ______.
A. standing there she can teach well
B. she usually stands there when the students read after her
C. her shoes were not a pair


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