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发布时间:2024-03-29 23:40:48

[简答题]So before Kissinger left, we agreed on a single code word--Eureka--which he would use if his mission were successful. ( Passage 3)

更多"So before Kissinger left, we agreed"的相关试题:

[简答题]So before Kissinger left, we agreed on a single code word--Eureka--which he would use if his mission were successful. ( Passage 3)

[单项选择]There isn’t __________ time left, so we’d better hurry.
A. little
B. some
C. much
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us. So we asked our friends ______ ______.
[单项选择]We were in()when we left that we forgot the airline tickets
A. a rush so anxious
B. a such anxious rush
C. so an anxious rush
D. such an anxious rush
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us.
So we asked our friends ______ ______.

[简答题]So we have focused on strategic areas where we can make the biggest impact on agricultural change that stretch from the farm to the market to the table and keep people nourished and productive, health systems that help people spend their days working rather than sick or dying, opportunities for women and girls that allow them to contribute to economic and social progress.

[单项选择]( )we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate.
A. Then
B. Thus
C. What
D. Whether
[单项选择]Yesterday we kept working () the night, so we are very tired now.
A. during
B. for
C. throughout
[单项选择]We hadn’t expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was ______ into darkness.
A. dived
B. plunged
C. drowned
D. dropped

W: Have we agreed where we’re going to meet John on Sunday
M: Well, I talked to the others and nobody seemed to have any idea where they wanted to go.
W: I thought we were going to that restaurant.., what was it
M: ... the McDonald’s at the end of Beijing Road--I suggested it a long time ago.
W: Well--I think we should agree on that.
M: OK, shall I phone the others now
W: No, thanks. It is better for me to do that!

What does the woman want the man to do ( )
A. Change a decision.
B. Make a phone call.
C. Suggest a place to meet.
[单项选择]The modern technology revolutionized the way we communicate;______, video-conference, internet-phone, and all the other multimedia extend our global communication.
A. moreover
B. consequently
C. for example
D. nevertheless
[单项选择]( ) we need air and water, so we need criticism and self-criticism.
A. Even though
B. So long as
C. Just as
D. Now that
[单项选择]We had to start at exactly the same time, so we had our watches ______.
A. checked
B. tested
C. stabilized
D. corrected
[简答题]We are playing the game just for fun, so we don’t have to ________(遵守这些繁琐的规则).


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