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发布时间:2024-05-17 07:16:19

[单项选择]The post-war explosion in the use of detergents (清结剂) was a prime cause for the deteriorating (恶化) condition of Thames twenty-five years ago. Between 1951 and 1961, detergent use increased three times. A tragic example of the results of this was when a man drowned because, though help was at hand, the would-be rescuers could not see him through the mass of foam.
Previously, detergents had been of vegetable origin and caused no trouble. The new "hard" (technically, non-biodegradable 不能分解的) detergents contained elements which could not be degraded in the treatment plants sewage (污水) works. These detergents decreased the efficiency of plants by an estimated 30 percent. So when the waste water from the works was sent into the river, it still contained much "hard" detergent, which foamed or spread on the surface and greatly reduced the amount of oxygen naturally taken into the water. These detergents were also poisonous to fish.
The threat became so serious that in 1957 the St
A. the similarity of specialists to doctors
B. the comparison between the river and the patient
C. how healthy the Thames is
D. the ways specialists monitor the Thames

更多"The post-war explosion in the use o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The post-war explosion in the use of detergents (清结剂) was a prime cause for the deteriorating (恶化) condition of Thames twenty-five years ago. Between 1951 and 1961, detergent use increased three times. A tragic example of the results of this was when a man drowned because, though help was at hand, the would-be rescuers could not see him through the mass of foam.
Previously, detergents had been of vegetable origin and caused no trouble. The new "hard" (technically, non-biodegradable 不能分解的) detergents contained elements which could not be degraded in the treatment plants sewage (污水) works. These detergents decreased the efficiency of plants by an estimated 30 percent. So when the waste water from the works was sent into the river, it still contained much "hard" detergent, which foamed or spread on the surface and greatly reduced the amount of oxygen naturally taken into the water. These detergents were also poisonous to fish.
The threat became so serious that in 1957 the St
A. People rescued the man before he was drowned in the polluted water.
B. Some people were near the man who was drowning but they did not try to rescue him.
C. The man could have been saved if the Thames had not been so seriously polluted.
D. The rescuers could not see the drowned man because he was carried away by the fast flowing river water.
[单项选择]Where did the explosion take place
A. In a super market
B. In an animal market
C. In a stock market.
[单项选择]What was the cause of the explosion
A. Children playing with fire.
B. The setting off of fireworks in a house with explosives,
C. Sparks from a fireworks display falling on the warehouse,
D. The firing of a gun.
[简答题]Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in n/any fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years than in the entire previous history of science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that nuclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless tree that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance——making the consequences of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.
[单项选择]With the population explosion, scientists will have to()new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.
A. come up with
B. carry out
C. lead to
D. stick to
The explosion took place in the northwestern Baghdad, killing at least 7 people.
[填空题]An explosion had thrown radioman Harley Olson out of bed. He worked wildly, trying to (36) an SOS. But the power was gone. Harley ran on deck. The crew was (37) into lifeboats. There was no room for him. He had no choice but to jump into the black water and start to swim. Suddenly, in the darkness, his fingers hit something hard. It was a life raft. Climbing (38) , Harley called out again and again. But no one answered. Soon his first feeling of (39) . left him. In one way he was lucky. The raft had enough food and water for 15 men for several weeks.
At daybreak, Harley saw some little boxes (40) by. He fished one out of the sea. Chewing gum. Quickly, he (41) in 20 small cartons. In the aftemoon, Harley (42) another raft he tied it to his own. Later, a third raft bobbed up. And then a mattress floated by him in the wreckage. Harley could hardly believe his eyes. Here was the start of a bed room. He tugged


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