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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:52:23

[填空题]If you go over any mail-order catalogue, you’ll find that organizers are the most popular items for sale.

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[填空题]If you go over any mail-order catalogue, you’ll find that organizers are the most popular items for sale.

[填空题]It is impossible for you to go tonight; you (no finish) ______ your work yet.

[单项选择]When you want to go shopping, you should decide first how much money you can pay for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale, that is to say, you can buy some new clothes at a lower price.
There are labels inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water. The label on a coat may say "Dry Clean Only". Washing may ruin this coat. If you do as the directions say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When you buy new clothes, you should look at them carefully to make sure if they need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can wash easily.
If you buy some well made clothes, you can save money because they can last longer. They look good even after they have been washed m
A. Clothes which are well made.
B. Clothes which can be washed easily.
C. Clothes which can be clean dried only.
D. D.Both A and
[填空题]I’ll finish the work as quickly as I can. I’ll finish the work as quickly as ______.

W: Have you got any idea what you’ll buy for Mary’s birthday
M: Well, I’ll buy her a school bag. And I promised to take her to a film. What about you
W: Ob, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably buy her a new music record.

What gift will the woman probably get for Mary ( )
A. A school bag.
B. A record.
C. A theater ticket.
[单项选择]You’d better go now, () you’ll miss the next train.
A. if
B. or else
C. or not
D. unless
[单项选择]Stop! If you go any ______, you will be in danger.
A. far
B. farther
C. further
D. far away
[单项选择]Speaker A: Do you have any idea what it’ll cost to send this little package to Australia
Speaker B: You’ve got me. The farthest I’ve ever sent a package is Canada.
Speaker A: ______.
A. But I needn’t send any package to Canada
B. But Canada is not the place I like to send my package to
C. That’s OK. Let me ask Jane. She’s from Australia, you know
D. Oh, yes. Australia is beyond me
[单项选择]In phrases like go swimming, go shopping, or go fishing, the -ing participle is used ()
A. as a command
B. as a purpose
C. for concession
D. for emphasis

M: Have you made any plans to go away during semester break I’ve been thinking of skiing.
W: I really haven’t had time to think about my vacation. I’ve been concentrating on getting ready for my exams, especially philosophy. But I’ll probably go to the beach.
M: Why the beach
W: Well, it would be nice to get away from this cold weather and just lie in the sun and relax after working so hard.
M: It’s true that skiing does require work. And you have to get up early and wait in long lines for the chair lifts. Thanks. I think you help me make up my mind.
W: Sure. Now maybe you can use your mind to think about something else, like your studies.
M: Yeah, just as you said, I should focus more on study now, because the exams of various courses are approaching. If I cannot pass those exams smoothly, I will not have a good time in vacation.
W: Absolutely! So now we should put the vacation aside temporaril
A. The weather.
B. A vacation.
C. Going skiing.
D. Her studies.


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