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发布时间:2024-01-19 23:33:52

[单项选择]Speaker A: Can I borrow a pen, please Mine has run out of ink.
Speaker B: ______.
A. Sure, take it
B. Here you are
C. Of course, take it away
D. Thanks anyway

更多"Speaker A: Can I borrow a pen, plea"的相关试题:


W: Could I borrow a pen from you Mine has just run out of ink.
M: I’m afraid I don’t have an extra one. Would a pencil do

What does the man mean ()
A. He wants to lend her an extra pen.
B. He wants to lead her a pencil.
C. He wants to her some ink.
D. He wants to buy her a pen.

F: Can I borrow your pen Mine runs out of ink.
M: Oh, mine too. But I can get you one from Susan.

What will the man do next ( )
A. Get a pen for himself.
B. Borrow a pen from Susan.
C. Offer his pen to Susan.
[简答题]Small as it is, the pen has changed the course of history, shaped the destiny of nations, facilitated the commerce of peoples, imprisoned the elusive thoughts of man, recorded events, carried news, and done more work for mankind than all other tools or weapons. Progress without it would have been almost impossible. The invention of the wheel and screw, the introduction of steam-power, the use of electricity, all these have changed the lives of millions; but the pen has done more. It has removed mountains. It has prepared the way for all advancement. Whatever plans have been drawn up, whatever laws formulated, have come from the pen.

F: Can I borrow your pen Mine runs out of ink.
M: Oh, mine too. But I can get you one from Susan.

What will the man do next( ).
A. Get a pen for himself.
B. Borrow a pen from Susan.
C. Offer his pen to Susan.

M: Can I borrow your pen Mine is out of ink.
W: Sorry, I don’t have a second pen. Would a pencil do

What did the woman mean ( )
A. She could let the man have her pen.
B. She had no pen herself.
C. She could offer him a pencil.
[单项选择]Can you ______ me your pen Mine won’t write.
A. keep
B. borrow
C. lend
[填空题]The French division of McDonald’s has run advertisements that included a surprising (1) : Kids shouldn’t eat at McDonald’s more than once a week.
The advertisements, (2) information from specialists, aim to show that "McDonald’s meals are part of a balanced weekly diet," said Euro RSCG, the agency that came up with the ads, which appeared this spring, mostly in French women’s magazines.
Alongside quotes from specialists addressing (3) and diets for children, the ads described how McDonald’s hamburgers are made of i00 percent real beef and cooked on a grill free of (4) oil.
One ad placed in Femme Actuelle in April quoted a nutritionist who said, "there’s no reason to (5) fast food, or visit McDonald’s more than once a week."
The McDonald’s Corp., based in Oak Brook, Ill., said in a statement Wednesday that it "strongly (6) " with the nutritionist quoted in the French advertisement.


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