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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:52:24

[单项选择]A man in a restaurant was giving the waiter a lot of trouble. First, he felt it too hot, so he asked the waiter: "Excuse me, could you turn on the air conditioner (空调) It’s too hot here that I can’t bear any more!" Then a few minutes later he asked the waiter again: "Excuse me! Now it’s too cold! Would you turn it off!" Several minutes later he felt hot again, and he let the waiter come and asked him to turn on the air conditioner again. This went on for about half an hour.
However, although the customer was so annoying, the waiter was very kind. He did everything the man asked without getting angry. Finally, someone else in the restaurant could no longer bear it. He couldn’t help asking why the waiter didn’t just throw the annoying man out.
And you know what the waiter said
The waiter said, smiling: "Oh, I don’t care because we don’t even have an air conditioner./

The waiter mended the air conditioner.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.

更多"A man in a restaurant was giving th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A man in a restaurant was giving the waiter a lot of trouble. First, he felt it too hot, so he asked the waiter: "Excuse me, could you turn on the air conditioner (空调) It’s too hot here that I can’t bear any more!" Then a few minutes later he asked the waiter again: "Excuse me! Now it’s too cold! Would you turn it off!" Several minutes later he felt hot again, and he let the waiter come and asked him to turn on the air conditioner again. This went on for about half an hour.
However, although the customer was so annoying, the waiter was very kind. He did everything the man asked without getting angry. Finally, someone else in the restaurant could no longer bear it. He couldn’t help asking why the waiter didn’t just throw the annoying man out.
And you know what the waiter said
The waiter said, smiling: "Oh, I don’t care because we don’t even have an air conditioner./

The customer in the restaurant was very annoying.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
[单项选择]After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the______.
A. bill
B. note
C. receipt
D. menu
[单项选择]Waiter: Prince Wales Restaurant. Good morning! Can I help you Customer: Yes, I would like to book a table for two for tomorrow evening. Waiter: Sure, sir. __________ Customer: Around 6:30.
A. What time would you like to have your table
B. When are you coming
C. What time do you want it
D. When would you like to come
[单项选择]What should the man drink a lot
A. Coffee.
B. Hot tea.
C. Pure water.
[填空题]Outside the restaurant, we came across a man doing a fire-eating(perform) ______.
[单项选择]How will the man get to the restaurant
A. He will take a taxi.
B. He will take the tram.
C. He will walk.


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