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发布时间:2023-12-16 06:42:53

[简答题]Do you work more effectively at certain times of the day (Do you work better at different times of the day )

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W: Do you enjoy your work Do you enjoy meeting people
M: Yes. Sometimes. I’ve got to be honest. Sometimes.
W: So, some people you like and some you don’t
M: Yeah, it’s like a lot of things, meeting the general public. You get good days, and you get bad days. But I do enjoy the job. I like the freedom of the job, being self-employed.
W: Do you ever get difficult passengers
M: Yes, sometimes.
W: What sort of things do they get up to
M: I would say sometimes a lot of difficult passengers are people who don’t go in cabs a lot and they’re unfamiliar with procedures, especially if you work nights. People drinking or the extras that would be included on the tariff after a certain time of night.
W: You mean they argue with you over money
M: Yes, that can happen. Or the way... the good thing is, people can argue about the way that you go on a certain route because they always know better.
A. A taxi-driver.
B. A bus driver.
C. A policeman.
D. A tourist guide.

Let’s begin with work.
· What do you do
· What do you find difficult about your job
· What have you learnt from your boss
Now let’s move on to talk about family.
· How do you spend your time with family
· What do your parents do
· Would you like to have a big or small family
Let’s now consider pets.
· What kind of pets are popular in your country
· Why do people have pets
· Which animal would make the best pet
[单项选择]Don’t do any more work now, you look so tiring.
A. any
B. more
C. look
D. tiring
[单项选择]How do employed Americans manage to work more hours()
A. By doing odd jobs at weekends.
B. By putting in more hours each week.
C. By taking shorter vacations each year.
D. By working long hours every day.
[多项选择] How do you work with other people Do you know your own personal strengths and weaknesses Look at these ‘types’below and decide which you are. (Most people feel they are a combination of at least two.)
[填空题]Why do people work Undoubtedly you have periodically asked yourself the same question, perhaps focused on why you have to work. "Self-interest" (26) , including the interests of family and friends, is a basic (27) for work in all societies. But self-interest can involve more than providing for existence or (28) wealth. Studies show that the vast majority of Americans would continue to work even if they (29) enough money to live comfortably.
When people work, they gain a contributing place in society. The fact that what they receive pays for their work (30) that what they do is needed by other people and that they are a necessary part of the social fabric. Work is also a major social (31) for placing people in the larger social structure and for providing them with identities. In the United States, it is a blunt and (32) public fact that to do nothing is to be nothing and to do little is to be little. Wo
[简答题]Do you work or are you a student


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