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发布时间:2023-11-23 23:02:28


W: Frank, what’s your hobby
M: I don’t really have one. I suppose that bowling is the closest thing to a hobby that I have.
W: How about the other people in your family
M: Well, my son likes collecting stamps and my wife has a garden. She spends mi hour or so every day working in it. How about you
W: I have several hobbies but collecting coins is the one I like best. I have coins from almost every country. My favorite one is from China.
M: Have you ever been to China
W: I want to someday. So far I’ve been to Canada, Mexico and Japan. Why don’t you have a real hobby Are you lazy
M: I like bowling but it’s kind of expensive. The real reason I don’t have a hobby is that I don’t have the time.
W: Oh, come on, Frank. You aren’t that busy, are you
M: Yes, I am. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Being a traveling salesman is harder than you thi
A. Gardening.
B. Bowling.
C. Collecting stamps.
D. Painting.

更多"W: Frank, what’s your hobby "的相关试题:


W: Frank, what’s your hobby
M: I don’t really have one. I suppose that bowling is the closest thing to a hobby that I have.
W: How about the other people in your family
M: Well, my son likes collecting stamps and my wife has a garden. She spends mi hour or so every day working in it. How about you
W: I have several hobbies but collecting coins is the one I like best. I have coins from almost every country. My favorite one is from China.
M: Have you ever been to China
W: I want to someday. So far I’ve been to Canada, Mexico and Japan. Why don’t you have a real hobby Are you lazy
M: I like bowling but it’s kind of expensive. The real reason I don’t have a hobby is that I don’t have the time.
W: Oh, come on, Frank. You aren’t that busy, are you
M: Yes, I am. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Being a traveling salesman is harder than you thi
A. Mexico.
B. China.
C. Japan.
D. Canada.

[单项选择]What is Frank’’s hobby
A. Working in the garden.
B. Bowling.
C. Collecting coins.
D. Collecting stamps.
How Could Your Hobby Be the Key to Financial Success

[A] Virtually everyone has the knowledge they need to make a fortune. Everyone has an interest, hobby or has knowledge about a particular subject. It could be anything, and I really mean anything! Everyone has knowledge that someone else wants. The problem is that most people have no idea how much their knowledge is worth because information online is worth much more today.
[B] The internet has become a force to be reckoned with. This monster of mass consumerism is ever increasing and does not seem to be slowing down. U. S. consumers spent $748 million on online content during the first half of 2003, representing a 23 percent increase over the same period in 2002. With the rate that the internet is growing, just imagine what the figures look like today.
[C] Last year, Jupiter Research forecast that paid-content web revenues will grow four-fold by 2006, from $1.4 billion
[单项选择]Enjoying Your career
’My business is my hobby,’ someone tells you. ’I wish I could make a living from my hobby,’ you may think. ’It sounds ideal.’
Yet according to Sue Cole, a management expert, there can be both advantages and disadvantages for those who combine their hobby with their career. ’There’s a real possibility that your hobby becomes less attractive when it’s your job. But also quite a few people who make their hobby their career become too enthusiastic and forget about the basic principles of business,’ she says. ’For example, someone may think: "I love cooking. There aren’t enough restaurants in this area. I’ll start one up." And they go ahead without establishing how many customers they’ll need each day or what income they’ll require to cover costs. That can be a recipe for disaster.’
Richard Campbell, however, has made a success of it. A keen amateur singer with a passion for travel, he first became involved in organising musical tours as a universi
A. He relocated the company offices.
B. He targeted a new group of consumers.
C. He expanded the destinations the company dealt wit


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