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发布时间:2024-05-26 07:58:35

[单项选择]Peace and development rdre the main themes(主题)of the times, an era fuU of both hopeand challenges.
A. 和平与发展是充满了时代希望和挑战的主题。
B. 和平与发展是既充满着希望又充满着挑战的现时代的主题。
C. 和平与发展是时代的主题,这是一个充满了希望和挑战的时代。
D. 和平与发展是这个时代的主题,这个时代既充满着希望,也充满着挑战。

更多"Peace and development rdre the main"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Peace and development are the main themes (主题) of the times, an era full of both hope and challenges.
A. 和平与发展是充满了时代希望和挑战的主题。
B. 和平与发展是既充满着希望又充满着挑战的时代主题。
C. 和平与发展是时代的主题,这是一个充满了希望和挑战的时代。
D. 和平与发展是这个时代的主题,这个时代既充满着希望,也充满着挑战。
[单项选择]Peace and development are the main themes of the times, an era full of both hope and challenges.
A. 和平与发展是时代的主题,这个时代既充满希望,也充满着挑战。
B. 和平与发展是时代的主题,这是个充满希望与挑战的时代。
C. 多次讨论和平与发展这个主题,讨论充满了希望和挑战。
D. 时代的主题是和平与发展,同时这个时代充满了希望和挑战。
[单项选择]When did he win the Nobel Peace Prize
A. 1968.
B. 1918.
C. 1964.
D. 1946.
[单项选择]The peace agreement on Northern Ireland was approved by voters across all of Ireland in a referendum held in ( ).
A. April 1997
B. May 1997
C. April 1998
D. May 1998
[单项选择]All ( ) is peace and progress.
A. what is needed
B. which is needed
C. that is needed
D. for our needs
[单项选择]When did King win the Nobel Peace Prize
A. In 1968.
B. In 1918.
C. In 1964.
D. In 1946.

Bombing shakes the peace process in Northern Ireland. A home video camera got the scene, moments after the worst single attack in thirty years of conflict(冲突)in Northern Ireland. Hundreds of people were affected by the bombing, some lying in the streets, others clearly in a state of shock. 28 people died in this cruel attack, 220 more injured. Some people got away with wound, many others had [heir arms and legs removed ensuring they’ll live with the memory of this bombing for the rest of their lives. The people behind this car bomb obviously wanted to kill as many as people as possible. "Why in the name of killing innocent Saturday shoppers" What purpose is it going to serve.’ This vicious(恶毒的)attack threatens the fragile peace process.
"The peace process is not necessary. We ought to save the lives of the people. That’s what are needed to do." But the biggest supporter of peace for Northern Ireland, says now is the time to send a mes
A. was the worst single attack in twenty years of conflict in Northern Ireland
B. was captured by a special reporter
C. is threatening to hold back the peace process
D. will destroy the peace process, according to Tony Blair’s view

Shrinking Water Supply Poses Threat to Peace

"Water, which is essential for life, costs nothing. On the other hand, diamonds, which are essential for nothing, cost a lot. " Unfortunately, the world has changed considerably since an 18th century economist made this remark.
What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now. In a number of countries people pay as much for water in their homes as they do for electricity.
Like health, we ignore water when we have it-unless there are floods, of course. Once there is a threat to our water supply, however, water can quickly become the only thing that matters. We know only too well that, without water, there can be no life.
The situation is now becoming so bad that environmentalists feel it many be necessary to shock the world into saving water in a similar way to the shock caused by the oil crises in the 1970’s.
At that time, the oil crisis became such
A. People now pay as much for water as they did 200 years ago.
B. People now pay as little for water as they did 200 years ago.
C. Water now costs as much as it used to.
D. Water now has become more expensive than it was.
[填空题]To restore international peace and security, the Security Council may take action by ______ in addition to economic sanctions.
[单项选择]News reports say peace talks between the two countries have ______ with no agreement reached.
A. broken down
B. broken out
C. broken in
D. broken up
[单项选择]Justices of the peace have jurisdiction over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minor offenses.( )
A. supremacy
B. authority
C. guidance
D. obedience


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