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发布时间:2024-05-26 20:09:03

[简答题]Automatic blanket (自动电热毯) automatically adjust to the temperature changes in your bedroom during the night. No need to turn the control up or down. When you are ready to retire, turn the control switch to "ON". The dial light tells you it’s on, and now you are ready to dial the warmth level of your choice.

更多"Automatic blanket (自动电热毯) automatic"的相关试题:

[简答题]Automatic blanket (自动电热毯) automatically adjust to the temperature changes in your bedroom during the night. No need to turn the control up or down. When you are ready to retire, turn the control switch to "ON". The dial light tells you it’s on, and now you are ready to dial the warmth level of your choice.
[不定项选择]张某从甲商场购买一电热毯,电热毯为乙厂所产。使用中电热毯发生漏电,致使房间着火,烧毁价值5000 元的财产,张某本人也被烧伤致残。下列何种表述是正确的?
A. 甲商场和乙厂应对张某的损失承担连带责任
B. 张某因身体伤害要求赔偿的诉讼时效为1年
C. 张某可以向被告请求精神损害赔偿
D. 张某遭受的财产损失不属于产品责任,而属于违约责任
[单项选择]消费者陈佳在乙商店购买了甲厂生产的电热毯,在使用过程中发生电线短路现象,造成陈佳全身大面积烧伤,花费医疗费10万元,则下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 陈佳可以就该买卖合同的标的物不符合质量要求为由,要求乙商店承担违约责任
B. 陈佳可以同时向乙商店主张违约责任与侵权责任
C. 如果陈佳对甲厂提起侵权诉讼,由甲厂就自己对损害不存在过错承担举证责任
D. 陈佳向甲厂主张侵权赔偿,甲厂就陈佳的损害事实承担举证责任
[填空题]You need to unplug the electric blanket before you go to bed, because even though there is no ______ when they are turned off, there may still be a high electric field.
[单项选择] The best-known blanket styles of the Southwest from the late 1800’’s are Chimayo style, which has since developed further in the hands of the Ortega family in Chimayo, and the Vallero blankets were woven in EL Valle, near Las Trampas, by the five Montoya sisters, in the late 1800’’s and early 1900’’s. The sisters were Patricia, Doloritas, Martina, Partita, and Juanita. The first three sisters were the ones who did the major portion of the weaving that are now museum and collectors’’ items. But all five sisters did participate in the wool preparation for weaving the blankets. Typical of the Vallero blankets are the five stars, reminiscent of the Saltillo blanket design. The stars were placed one at each corner, with a larger star in the center. The classic Vallero blankets woven by Patricia, Doloritas, and Martina did not have a solid background color, but a series of radiating diamonds of different colors emanating from the large central star. The weaving design was then embel
A. A novel set in the south west.
B. A geography book.
C. A book about arts and crafts.
D. A mathematics textbook.
[填空题]The mother placed the blanket over the boy, leaving only his face (uncover)()
[填空题]Only through fiscal tightening can Ireland adjust to the one key interest policy.

[简答题]It is to enjoy your Automatic Blanket: When you are ready to retire, mm the control switch to "on". The dial light tells you it’s on. Now you are ready to dial the warmth level of your choice. (Most people, when using their Automatic Blanket for the first time, begin at HI and adjust downward until they find their personal comfort preference.)
[单项选择]She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that ()
A. he catches a cold
B. he should catch a cold
C. he caught a cold
D. he be catching a cold


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