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发布时间:2024-05-16 23:37:59

Birth Rate Falls in Brazil

Like so many young families throughout Brazil, Ricardo Pires and Fabiana Oliveiro plan to only have one child together in order to provide a better life for their newborn son,Arthur.
Priscila da Silva once asked her grandmother why she had 12 children, and the answer was simple.. "Because I wanted to."
These days, Silva, like many women in Brazil and the rest of Latin America, has other plans. At 24, she thinks about having one child, if that.
"The situation today is different, and raising a child is difficult," said Silva, slicing tomatoes at a restaurant that she founded with four other women, only one of whom has planned a family of any size. "This is another time, and it’s not the same."
Fertility rates have dropped in many parts of the world in recent decades, but something particularly remarkable happened to the once-prolific (曾经多育的) family across Latin America. From sprawling

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Birth Rate Falls in Brazil

Like so many young families throughout Brazil, Ricardo Pires and Fabiana Oliveiro plan to only have one child together in order to provide a better life for their newborn son,Arthur.
Priscila da Silva once asked her grandmother why she had 12 children, and the answer was simple.. "Because I wanted to."
These days, Silva, like many women in Brazil and the rest of Latin America, has other plans. At 24, she thinks about having one child, if that.
"The situation today is different, and raising a child is difficult," said Silva, slicing tomatoes at a restaurant that she founded with four other women, only one of whom has planned a family of any size. "This is another time, and it’s not the same."
Fertility rates have dropped in many parts of the world in recent decades, but something particularly remarkable happened to the once-prolific (曾经多育的) family across Latin America. From sprawling
Birth Rate Falls in Brazil

Like so many young families throughout Brazil, Ricardo Pires and Fabiana Oliveiro plan to only have one child together in order to provide a better life for their newborn son,Arthur.
Priscila da Silva once asked her grandmother why she had 12 children, and the answer was simple.. "Because I wanted to."
These days, Silva, like many women in Brazil and the rest of Latin America, has other plans. At 24, she thinks about having one child, if that.
"The situation today is different, and raising a child is difficult," said Silva, slicing tomatoes at a restaurant that she founded with four other women, only one of whom has planned a family of any size. "This is another time, and it’s not the same."
Fertility rates have dropped in many parts of the world in recent decades, but something particularly remarkable happened to the once-prolific (曾经多育的) family across Latin America. From sprawling Mexico to
A. they want to have only one son
B. they intend to lead a better life
C. they want to raise their son better
D. they intend to follow their grandmother’s advice
High Dropout Rate in US

Many young people in the United States never finish high school. Exactly how many dropouts is another issue. Recent studies of dropout rates have had conflicting results. For one thing, schools define and measure their dropout rates differently. Some researchers say about fifteen to twenty percent of public school students do not complete their education. But many other experts and policymakers believe that for the past twenty years, the dropout rate has been around thirty percent. For Latino and black students, the numbers are even higher. Researchers say almost half of them leave school.
At the Baltic time, almost half the states let students leave school before the age of eighteen without informing their parents. Finding a good job without a hilgh school education is more and more difficult. A Northeastern University study in 2002 found that almost half of all dropouts aged sixteen to twenty-four did no

For many well-educated young eastern Germans like Susanne Kophal, who was born, raised and educated in Rostock, a lovely city on the Baltic Sea, there is a familiar story about the moment in their post-graduation lives that they decided to leave. "I’ll always have the wish to return to my hometown," said Ms. Kophal, 26, who graduated from the University of Rostock last year with a political science degree. "The people are friendly. In the summer you can take off for lunch, go swimming in the ocean and be back at work within an hour. But there are precious few professional jobs here and little hope of building a career. "And so, Ms. Kophal and every one of her college friends: a doctor, a biologist and a physicist among them, left Rostock for brighter prospects elsewhere in Germany or for a career abroad, probably for good. "I see myself as an economic refugee," Ms. Kophal said in an interview at her office in Berlin, where she found a position
A. 9 percent
B. 12 percent
C. 16 percent
D. 18 percent

[填空题]They were certain that this problem, like so many other________problems, did not ever have to be________, but could be resolved through oblique means.
A. A.insoluble ... solved
B.nettlesome ... faced
C.winsome ... ignored
D.troublesome ... categorized
E.fulsome ... persuaded


Like so many things of value, truth is not always easy to come by. What we regard as true shapes our beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Yet we can believe things that have no basis in fact. People are capable of embracing horrific precepts that seem incredible in retrospect. In Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler had millions of followers who accepted his delusions about racial superiority. As Voltaire put it long before Hitler’s time, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. "
We are surrounded by illusions, some created deliberately. They may be subtle or may affect us profoundly. Some illusions, such as films and novels, we seek out and appreciate. Others can make us miserable and even kill us. We need to know if particular foods that taste perfectly fine can hurt us in the short term (as with Salmonella contamination) or in the long term (cholesterol), whether a prevalent virus is so dangerous that we should avoid public places,
A. spreads
B. disturbs
C. falsifies
D. corrects


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