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发布时间:2024-05-26 20:08:55

[单项选择]I knew nothing of the motives behind his recent move, and I don’t know either the person to put him up to the action.()
A. nor did I know... who
B. not did I know... that
C. nor do I know... that
D. either did I know... who

更多"I knew nothing of the motives behin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I knew nothing of the motives behind his recent move, and I don’t know either the person to put him up to the action().
A. nor did I know... who
B. not did I know... that
C. nor do I know... that
D. either did I know... who
[单项选择]A. His father caught a serious disease.
B. His mother passed away.
C. His mother left him to marry a rich businessman.
D. His father took to drinking.
[单项选择]Tom has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to ( ) all his trousers to his measures.
A. let out
B. give away
C. bring in
D. make up
[填空题]The tendency of a boy to become attached to his mother and to resent his father ______ (被称作) the "Oedipus Complex".

[填空题]We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son’s illness had put him under great _____.
[单项选择]What happened to the man’s son
[A] He lost his money.
[B] He picked his money up.
[C] He returned the man’s money.
[单项选择]Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed to()regret.
A. teem with
B. brim with
C. come with
D. look with
[单项选择]Passage Two
A. On the table. B. Behind his back.
C. Under his bottom. D. On his lap.
In recent years, Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they’ve become wealthier and more worldly-wise. Foreign travel is a national passion; this summer alone, one in 10 citizens will go abroad. Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same. American firms have also begun arriving in large numbers. Chains such as KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut are setting a new standard of customer service, using strict employee training and constant monitoring to ensure the friendliness of frontline staff. Even the American habit of telling departing customers to "Have a nice day" has caught on all over Israel. "Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, ’ Let’s be nicer’ "says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm. "Nothing happens without competition."
Privatization, or the threat of it, is a motivation as
A. customer service in Israel is now improving
B. wealthy Israeli customers are hard to please
C. the tourist industry has brought chain stores to Israel
D. Israeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones
Nasreddin had a shed(棚子)behind his house. It had no lights in it. One night he went out to the shed to get his ladders(梯子)and lost his ring(戒指)there. He left the ladder, went out into the street and began to look around.
One of his friends saw him in the street outside his house, and said to him, " Hello, Nasreddin, what are you looking for "
"My ring , "answered Nasreddin. "It fell off my finger. It is a silver(银的)ring with a red stone in it." "Oh, yes. "said the friend. "I remember it. I will help you to look for it. Where did you lose it "
"In my shed."
"But why don’t you look for it there "
"Don’t be foolish! It is quite dark in my shed, how can I find my ring there Here there is light from the lamps in the street."
Nasreddin had lost his ______.


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