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发布时间:2023-10-04 18:07:58

[单项选择]In Andrew Grove’s opinion, which is more important, marketing or technology
A. Marketing is more important than technology.
B. Technology is more important than marketing.
C. Marketing is as important as technology.

更多"In Andrew Grove’s opinion, which is"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In Andrew Grove’s opinion, which is more important, marketing or technology
A. Marketing is more important than technology.
B. Technology is more important than marketing.
C. Marketing is as important as technology.
[单项选择]What does Andrew Grove think people can do to alleviate the scariness of change
A. Although the scariness of change is healthy, we should eliminate some of it.
B. People should alleviate some of the scariness of change.
C. He thinks there is no need to eliminate the fear of change.
[单项选择]Before Andrew Grove arrived in the U.S. in 1956, where did he live
A. Hungary
B. Britain
C. Portugal
[填空题]The "whole-word’ approach to reading which more stresses the meaning of words, deco- ding, and developing a sight vocabulary could be used for ______.
[多项选择]In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
[单项选择]Which of the following accounts for Andrew Carnegie’s success( ).
A. His ability to sell the product and his policy of expanding business.
B. His reputation as the King of steel.
C. His founding of the steel industry in the United States.
D. His creation of a global distribution network.
[填空题]In my opinion, it is important that the water (clean) ______before we use it.
[单项选择]Which badge does Andrew Simpson think he has lost( ).
A. "Swimming".
B. A petrol company badge.
C. An Eastern European badge.
D. "Tidy".
[单项选择]Which is NOT the reason given by Andrew Simpson for people to wear badges( ).
A. Some people wear badges to show which organization they belong to.
B. Some people wear badges to follow the fashion.
C. Some people wear badges to show where they have been.
D. Some people wear badges for they have something to say to the world.


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