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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:55:57

[填空题]A. launching B. alcohol C. logical D. positive
E. Nearly F. protect G. barely H) threat
I) charge J) illegal K) means L) differs
M) access N) negative O) severely
Since I took office I’ve done everything in my power to (47) our children from harm. We’ve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, to give them something (48) to do after school and before their parents get home. We’ve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, (49) and wrong.
Today, I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation’s children from an even more deadly (50) : smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, (51) , car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. (52) 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turne

更多"A. launching B. alcohol "的相关试题:

[填空题]A. launching B. alcohol C. logical D. positive
E. Nearly F. protect G. barely H) threat
I) charge J) illegal K) means L) differs
M) access N) negative O) severely
Since I took office I’ve done everything in my power to (47) our children from harm. We’ve worked to make their streets and their schools safer, to give them something (48) to do after school and before their parents get home. We’ve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous, (49) and wrong.
Today, I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nation’s children from an even more deadly (50) : smoking. Smoking kills more people every day than AIDS, (51) , car accidents, murders, suicides, drugs and fires combined. (52) 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turne
[填空题]logical analysis
[单项选择]The launching of communications satellites made it possible for people in San Francisco to()
A. get close-up views of operations
B. store knowledge
C. watch the 1964, Olympic Games in Tokyo
D. watch national programs
[多项选择]The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be ______ relations.
A. descriptive
B. additive
C. causal
D. temporal
[单项选择]The structural and logical functional relations of constituents are called ______ relations.
A. linear
B. hierarchical
C. semantic
D. grammatical
Philosophy of Logical Analysis

Modern physics and physiology throw a new light upon the ancient problem of perception. If there is to be anything that can be called "perception", it must be in some degree an effect of the object perceived, and it must more or less resemble the object if it is to be a source of knowledge of the object. The first requisite can only be fulfilled if there are causal chains which are, to a greater or lesser extent, independent of the rest of the world. According to physics, this is the case.
Modern analytical empiricism differs from that of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume by its incorporation of mathematics and its development of a powerful logical technique. It is thus able, in regard to certain problems, to achieve definite answers, which have the quality of science rather than philosophy. It has the advantage; as compared with philosophies of system-builders, of being able to tackle its problems one at a
A. ineffective
B. inflicted
C. famous
D. sensitive


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