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发布时间:2024-03-28 19:32:34


It is hard to get a grip on food. The UN’s World Health Organisation worries about diminishing supplies and increased prices in poor countries; recent riots and near-riots in Haiti, Bangladesh and Egypt were sparked by the growing cost of wheat and rice. But, as Paul Roberts observes in "The End of Food", the developed world has lived through "a near miraculous period during which the things we ate seemed to grow only more plentiful, more secure, more nutritious, and simply better. " 46. In the second half of the 20th century, world output of corn, wheat and cereal crops more than tripled. Yet there is not enough to feed the rich, the aspirational and the poor in the world. A golden age has been transformed quite suddenly into a global crisis.
Mr Roberts insists that modern agribusiness is unsustainable and becoming more so. "Precisely at the moment in history when we need to shift our system of food production into overdrive, our agr

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It is hard to get a grip on food. The UN’s World Health Organisation worries about diminishing supplies and increased prices in poor countries; recent riots and near-riots in Haiti, Bangladesh and Egypt were sparked by the growing cost of wheat and rice. But, as Paul Roberts observes in "The End of Food", the developed world has lived through "a near miraculous period during which the things we ate seemed to grow only more plentiful, more secure, more nutritious, and simply better. " 46. In the second half of the 20th century, world output of corn, wheat and cereal crops more than tripled. Yet there is not enough to feed the rich, the aspirational and the poor in the world. A golden age has been transformed quite suddenly into a global crisis.
Mr Roberts insists that modern agribusiness is unsustainable and becoming more so. "Precisely at the moment in history when we need to shift our system of food production into overdrive, our agr


W: It’s always been hard to get this car into first gear. And now the clutch seems to be slipping.
M: If you leave the car with me, I will fix it for you this afternoon.

Who is the woman most probably talking to( ).
A. A car salesman.
B. A mechanic.
C. A driver.
D. A technical examiner.
[单项选择]Work hard and get ahead. That’s what every American learns growing up, but for millions of them, it’s getting harder to tell the difference between working hard and being a workaholic. "The line happens when you come home one day and your husband isn’t there, and you didn’t realize he left you a week ago," Stephen Viscusi said. Viscusi is CEO of the Viscusi Group.
The actual reasons for becoming a workaholic are quite varied. It might involve a need in someone to always stay a step ahead of their co-workers or anyone else they perceive as a competitive threat. It could be a desire to never leave the office at night without tying up any loose ends such as returning an email, writing a memo or getting a package out. It might be a single-minded commitment to being successful, gaining promotion after promotion, no matter what the cost.
Workaholics Anonymous—a "fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common
A. Efforts to gain competitive edge over colleagues.
B. Desires to leave the office only when everything is done.
C. Attempts to avoid family problems.
D. Commitments to get success and promotion.

It’s hard to get more white-fenced than Naperville. In the western Chicago suburb, crime is an annoyance, not a problem. The streets are clean and the schools are some of the most impressive in the state, producing some of the brightest students who attend the nation’s best colleges. 41. ________________.
The rankings will be phased out over the next year, with 2007’s upperclassmen deciding whether to include such a rank in their official transcripts. By no longer ranking students, the Naperville School District 203 is squarely in line with a trend that is fast sweeping the nation, as more and more private and public schools are dropping the practice. Tile goal, proponents say, is to cut down on the hyper-competition and lessen the stress at such a critical learning point and maturation curve in kids’ lives.
"It’s a high bar we set, and it should be," said Naperville Superintendent Alan Leis. "But there needs to be more


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