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发布时间:2024-03-22 02:38:30


M: Hey, Mice. What are you doing there
W: Hey, Roger. Could you have a look at my computer I can’t get it working.
M: Sure. Let me have a look. Mmm... it seems that the disc jumped.
W: Oh, really I just bought it yesterday. Well, then could you please go to the store with me I want to have this computer replaced.
M: No problem. But you have to bring your receipt, otherwise, you can’t have the computer replaced.
W: Oh, dear! I can’t find my receipt. Perhaps I lost it on my way back from the store.
M: That’s too bad. I’m afraid you have to find it.
W: Well, I’ll give you a telephone call if I can find it.
M: OK. See you then.
W: Thank you. See you!

What’s the woman’s problem ()
A. She lost her data.
B. She broke the disc.
C. She bought a computer of a wrong model.
D. She couldn’t get her computer working.

更多"M: Hey, Mice. What are you doing th"的相关试题:


M: Hey, Mice. What are you doing there
W: Hey, Roger. Could you have a look at my computer I can’t get it working.
M: Sure. Let me have a look. Mmm... it seems that the disc jumped.
W: Oh, really I just bought it yesterday. Well, then could you please go to the store with me I want to have this computer replaced.
M: No problem. But you have to bring your receipt, otherwise, you can’t have the computer replaced.
W: Oh, dear! I can’t find my receipt. Perhaps I lost it on my way back from the store.
M: That’s too bad. I’m afraid you have to find it.
W: Well, I’ll give you a telephone call if I can find it.
M: OK. See you then.
W: Thank you. See you!

What does the woman ask the man to do ()
A. Buy a computer for her.
B. Go to the store with her.
C. Lend her some money.
D. Replace the disc for her.

Conversation 2
M: Hey, Alice! What are you doing there
W: Hey, Royal! Could you have a look at my computer I can’t get it working.
M: Sure. Let me have a look. Er, it seems that the disc is junk.
W: Oh, really I just bought it yesterday.
Well, then could you please go to the store with me I want to have this computer replaced.
M: No problem. But you have to bring your receipt, otherwise you can’t have the computer replaced.
W: Oh, dear! I can’t find my receipt. Perhaps I lost it on my way back from the store.
M: That’s too bad. I’m afraid you have to find it.
W: Well, I’ll give you a telephone call if I can find it.
M: OK. See you then.
W: Thank you. See you.

What is the woman’s problem()
A. She lost her data.
B. She broke the disc.
C. She bought a computer of a wrong model.
D. She couldn’t get her computer working.

W: Hey, Bill.What are you doing with the washing machine It’s on, but it’s empty
M: Oh, how stupid.I meant to wash my T-shirts.I was about to put them in when the telephone rang.After that, I simply forgot about it and sat down to watch TV

What did Bill do after he answered a call()
A. Hewatched TV
B. He washed his shirts.
C. He turned on the washing machine.
D. He put his shirts in the washing machine.
[单项选择]—What were you doing when I called you yesterday afternoon
—I ______ my homework and I was starting to take a bath.
A. had just finished
B. was finished
C. have already finished
D. was going to finish
[单项选择]What do you think the woman is doing
A. She is making food.
B. She is looking for a cook.
C. She is doing nothing.

W: What are you doing, Bill Writing a letter
M: Yes, and it’s not easy.
W: My Aunt Mabel sent me a gift for my birthday. I can’t remember which gift was hers, but I want to thank her for it.
M: Oh, that’s a difficult problem. When it happens to me, I just write to say" Thank you for the wonderful girl" without saying what a gift was. Are you with me
W: Yes, thanks. That’s a clever idea.
M: When you have a bad memory, you have to be clever.

What’s the matter with Bettie ( )
A. She doesn’t know how to write a letter.
B. She never receives any gifts.
C. She has received too many gifts from her Aunt Mabel.
D. She can’t remember what gift her Aunt Mabel sent her.

W: What do you feel like doing this weekend, John
M: This weekend Well, how about going to the new Italian restaurant in Chauncey
W: Yes, good idea. I like Italian food very much.
M: Me, too.

What are the speakers talking about( ).
A. How to cook Italian food for the weekend.
B. How to manage their Italian restaurant.
C. How to find the new Italian restaurant.
D. How to spend the coming weekend.
[单项选择]A: What are you and Joe doing this weekend, Michelle Would you be free to come over for drinks after dinner sometime
B: ( ).
A. No, no. I think you and Mike should come over for dinner.
B. Hey, thank you, Pat. That sounds nice. I don’t think we have made any plans yet.
C. It’s hard to decide now.
D. We are doing nothing this weekend. What about you

M: What are you doing after graduation
W: I’m not sure. I may be a teacher, But I want to do more than just teaching, maybe practice law. How about you
M: I don’t have any plans yet. Things all change so quickly. I’d rather wait and see.

What is the man going to do after graduation()
A. He will become a teacher.
B. He will become a lawyer.
C. He will try a lot of jobs.
D. He has not decided yet.

M: What were you doing at twelve last night
W: I was playing cards with my kids in the kitchen.
M: Do your kids always go to bed that late
W: Not on weekdays.
M: Wasn’t your husband with you then
W: He was away on business in New York. He will be back late this evening.
M: Anything unusual happened
W: The light suddenly went out while we were playing. We remained silent at the table for some moments. After a while, we all heard glass breaking somewhere on the floor above.
M: Do you mean a window
W: I’m not sure whether it was a window or a glass or something else.
M: Didn’t any one of you hear a cry or a fight Didn’t you even consider going up for a look
W: We were frightened at the beginning and then went to bed as it was quiet all around.

What was the man doing at the woman’s home ( )
A. He was making an important job interview.
B. He was planning the weekend for the woman.
C. He was looking into what had happened.


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