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发布时间:2023-11-19 00:01:47

[单项选择]The brain’s neurological specialization for language is called linguistic ( ), which is specific to human beings.
A. specialization
B. production
C. lateralization
D. assimilation

更多"The brain’s neurological specializa"的相关试题:

[简答题]Briefly state Mark Twain’s magic power with language in his novels.
[简答题]What is Chomsky’ s explanation of the first language process
[填空题](S2) The second important quality of a good language learner is________, of which there are two types:________ one and ________ one.
[简答题]S3. Why do other higher animals fail to use language as man does
[填空题]According to Conrad, where do human brain’s capabilities stem from

[单项选择]Sleep also seems to be the time when the brain’s two memory systems—the hippocampus(海马体) and the neocortex (新皮质)—"talk" with one other. Experiences that become memories are laid down first in the hippocampus, eliminating whatever is underneath. If a memory is to be retained, it must be shipped from the hippocampus to a place where it will endure—the neocortex, the wrinkled outer layer of the brain where higher thinking takes place. Unlike the hippocampus, the neocortex is a master at weaving the old with the new. And partly because it keeps incoming information at bay, sleep is the best time for the" undistracted" hippocampus to shuttle memories to the neocortex, and for the neocortex to link them to related memories.
How can a piece of information become enduring memory in the brain
A. It must first go to the hippocampus for processing.
B. It must be transferred to the neocoretex.
C. It must eliminate the memory underneath it.
D. It must be captured during the time of sleep.
[简答题]What is the main difference between literal language and figurative language
[填空题]The scientific theories about the origin of language include the bow-wow theory, the pooh- pooh theory and the "yo-he-ho" theory.()
[单项选择]It is essential that applicants whose first language is not English ______ sufficient linguistic competence to avoid any delay or difficulty in pursuing their studies.
A. had obtained
B. would have obtained
C. should have obtained
D. must obtain
[简答题]Even when people cannot understand the same language, they can share the same music. Many people learn and practice English by singing songs. Understanding American music can help you understand American people, their history and culture.
[简答题]Ever since the ancient Romans imposed their language on neighboring barbarians, the teaching of Latin has been inseparable from cultural politics. In the Middle Ages, Latin was the preserve of the Church, whose leaders believed that the language was inherently holier than the vernacular, and who used Latin as a means of establishing a distance between priests and their parishioners. In the Renaissance, the classics were seen as a beneficial source of eternal, universal truths—"From Cicero I’ve learned to be myself," an Italian humanist announced—and such a belief persisted well into the nineteenth century. The argument for the improving qualities of Latin is still made by the American Classical League, which points to studies showing that schoolchildren who have studied Latin achieve higher standardized test scores than their non-Latinist peers.
[填空题]The writer believes that learning a foreign language can help a person understand their own language better.
Profits and Problems of Technology-assisted Language Learning

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


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