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发布时间:2024-05-18 04:27:58

[填空题]With its recession-friendly coffee prices, plentiful tables and available bathrooms, McDonald’s restaurants all over the country, and even all over the world, have been adopted by a cost-conscious set as a coffeehouse for the people, a sort of everyman’s Starbucks. (1) .
But patrons have also brought the mores of cafe culture, where often a single purchase is permission to camp out with a laptop. Increasingly, they seem to linger over McCafe Lattes, sometimes spending a lot of time but little money in outlets of this chain, which rose to prominence on a very different business model: food that is always fast. And so restaurant managers and franchise owners are often frustrated by these people. (2) .
In the past month, those tensions came to a boil in New York City. When management at a McDonald’s in Flushing, Queens, called the police on a group of older Koreans, prompting outrage at the company’s perceived rudeness, calls for a worldwide boycott and a truce m

更多"With its recession-friendly coffee "的相关试题:

[填空题]With its recession-friendly coffee prices, plentiful tables and available bathrooms, McDonald’s restaurants all over the country, and even all over the world, have been adopted by a cost-conscious set as a coffeehouse for the people, a sort of everyman’s Starbucks. (1) .
But patrons have also brought the mores of cafe culture, where often a single purchase is permission to camp out with a laptop. Increasingly, they seem to linger over McCafe Lattes, sometimes spending a lot of time but little money in outlets of this chain, which rose to prominence on a very different business model: food that is always fast. And so restaurant managers and franchise owners are often frustrated by these people. (2) .
In the past month, those tensions came to a boil in New York City. When management at a McDonald’s in Flushing, Queens, called the police on a group of older Koreans, prompting outrage at the company’s perceived rudeness, calls for a worldwide boycott and a truce m
[单项选择]Coffee probably derives its name from the Arabic "gahwah", although some etymologists connect it with the name Kaffa, a province in southwest Ethiopia reputed to be the birthplace of coffee. Coffee plants were taken to southern Arabia and placed under cultivation there about 500 years ago. The history of coffee, although vague and obscure, is rich in legend. One of the tales surrounding the discovery of coffee is that of Kaldi, a goat herder. Bewildered by the weird antics of his flock, Kaldi is supposed (about A. D. 850) to have eaten berries of the evergreen bush on which the goats were feeding and, overjoyed at the feeling of exhilaration that he experienced, has been pictured as dashing off in excitement to proclaim his great find to the world. The stimulating effect of coffee was soon discovered and taken advantage of in connection with the long religious service of the Muslims; but the strictly orthodox or conservative section of the priesthood claimed that it was an into
A. the name of a province
B. the name of a plant
C. the name of the finder
D. the Arabic word "gahwah"
[单项选择]We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and()
A. conductive
B. wholesome
C. helpful
D. appreciative
[填空题]When a computer company reduces its prices, all the rest will soon__________________(效仿).


1 All great coffee comes from the same tree, Coffea arabica. The distinguishing taste of coffee is a product of the climate, air, and soil in which it is grown. The perfect climate for coffee production exists between the latitudes of 25 degrees north and 25 degrees south of the equator. The coffee plant is particular about temperature, and changes of more than 20 degrees in twenty-four hours, or temperatures of over 70 degrees Fahrenheit, tend to have harmful effects on production. In general, coffee trees are comfortable where people are. If people feel too cold or hot, especially during flowering and fruit development, the trees are not likely to do well.
2 Altitude is an important factor, and most coffee-producing countries grade their coffees according to the altitude at which they were grown. The best-tasting coffees are grown at between five and eight thousand feet in elevation, in the thin air and
A. A mountainous region close to the equator
B. A region with a large coffee-drinking population
C. A coastal region with a moderate amount of rainfall
D. A region with an average temperature of 70 degrees F
[单项选择]A. Coffee. B. Tea.
C. Both coffee and tea. D. Something cold.
[填空题]Your prices exceed world prices by 5%.
[填空题]I don’t like tea. I like coffee.
I prefer coffee ______.


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