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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:50:23

[单项选择]We know that he was baptized on April 26, 1564, so that somewhere between April 20 and April 23, four hundred years ago, was born an Englishman who possessed what was probably the greatest brain ever encased in a human skull.
William Shakespeare’s work has been performed without interruption for some three hundred and fifty years everywhere in the world. Scholars and students in every land know his name and study his work as naturally as they study their holy books—the Gospels, the Torah, the Koran, and the others.
For centuries clergymen have spoken Shakespeare’s words from their pulpits; lawyers have used his sentences in addressing juries; doctors, botanists, agronomists, bankers, seamen, musicians, and, of course, actors, painters, poets, editors, and novelists have used words of Shakespeare for knowledge, for pleasure, for experience, for ideas and for inspiration.
It is hard to exaggerate the debt that mankind owes. Shakespeare’s greatness lies in the fact that the
A. short-lived
B. popular
C. changeable
D. eventful

更多"We know that he was baptized on Apr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We know that he was baptized on April 26, 1564, so that somewhere between April 20 and April 23, four hundred years ago, was born an Englishman who possessed what was probably the greatest brain ever encased in a human skull.
William Shakespeare’s work has been performed without interruption for some three hundred and fifty years everywhere in the world. Scholars and students in every land know his name and study his work as naturally as they study their holy books—the Gospels, the Torah, the Koran, and the others.
For centuries clergymen have spoken Shakespeare’s words from their pulpits; lawyers have used his sentences in addressing juries; doctors, botanists, agronomists, bankers, seamen, musicians, and, of course, actors, painters, poets, editors, and novelists have used words of Shakespeare for knowledge, for pleasure, for experience, for ideas and for inspiration.
It is hard to exaggerate the debt that mankind owes. Shakespeare’s greatness lies in the fact that the
A. are more popular among certain professions
B. have words serious enough to be used in the court
C. have been popular for centuries
D. were not so popular at his time as they are today


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