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发布时间:2024-01-29 22:04:47

Passage One
Researchers said it was clear that the world’s oceans play a major role in queuing up rapid climate changes, but that thus far the mechanics (机制,结构) of such changes were poorly under stood.
"It’s like being blindfolded and walking toward the edge of a cliff," said Wallace Brocker, a professor of environmental sciences at Columbia University. "We don’t understand (the factors) so we don’t really know what to look for."
Using ice cores drilled from glaciers and other ice sheets, the researchers have developed a model showing world temperatures’ rising and falling with unsettling frequency over the past110 000 years.
While some of the changes have been slow and steady, such as the end of the last Ice Age some 12 000 years ago, others have been swift and unexpected, such as the rapid warming of the North Atlantic from 19
A. so far we are still almost ignorant of the mechanics of rapid climate changes
B. now we are still causing serious damages to the environment
C. we are still not sure whether ocean plays a role in causing rapid climate changes
D. so far we are still unaware of the possibility of rapid climate changes

更多"Passage One Researchers s"的相关试题:

Passage One
Researchers said it was clear that the world’s oceans play a major role in queuing up rapid climate changes, but that thus far the mechanics (机制,结构) of such changes were poorly under stood.
"It’s like being blindfolded and walking toward the edge of a cliff," said Wallace Brocker, a professor of environmental sciences at Columbia University. "We don’t understand (the factors) so we don’t really know what to look for."
Using ice cores drilled from glaciers and other ice sheets, the researchers have developed a model showing world temperatures’ rising and falling with unsettling frequency over the past110 000 years.
While some of the changes have been slow and steady, such as the end of the last Ice Age some 12 000 years ago, others have been swift and unexpected, such as the rapid warming of the North Atlantic from 19
A. has been keeping rising
B. has risen and fallen at regular intervals
C. has experienced no rapid and sudden changes
D. has experienced both smooth and abrupt changes
Passage One
Passage One
I have an infatuation(迷恋)with autumn. The colors of the season, and the smells, have always thrilled me. I have always found joy in this time of year. The last few autumns of my life, however, I recollect in shades of gray rather than cheerful oranges and yellows.
When I became a single mother, every aspect of life took on new meaning. Since I was used to carrying out most of the parental duties without much help during my marriage, I truly did not foresee how different parenting would become after the marriage was over. But suddenly I realized I was a statistic. The daily routine was not changed so much; it was the angle at which I had begun to look at life.
I believed my ex-husband’s lawyer was tracking every grade the children made, and I was under a microscope in this new town where the children and I
A. The author moved to a new place.
B. The climate changed greatly in the last few years.
C. In the last few years, the author’s mood changed.
D. There were some natural disasters.
Passage One
When researchers come up with a new treatment that makes us feel or work better, it’s usually not just the truly sick who end up going in for an upgrade. The progress in developing treatments for illnesses that ravage memory and thought raises an important question: might the same tools be used to improve the functioning of minds that by most standards are already running fairly smoothly We may well be approaching an era of designer brains, in which those of us feeling a little foggy or dull can have our IQ, fast recall, and self-confidence inflated up via the prescription pad. "Some brain-related conditions we think of as ordinary, "says one researcher, "may eventually become disorders, too"—including perhaps less-than-razor-sharp thinking.
The notion of a prescription IQ lift is hardly new. According to polls, about one in 2
A. It effectively cures attention-deficit disorder and narcolepsy.
B. It should be legally obtained on prescription.
C. It helps to improve attention and memory problems.
D. It may potentially lead to addiction problems.
[填空题]I couldn’t understand what the passage said, so I had my friend (translate)()it for me.
[单项选择]Passage 2
One in three Americans said that money was a crucial factor in their decision to work for pay (or have a spouse work) rather than stay home to raise the children, with Baby Boomer women most likely to have made that choice. Forty-five percent of Baby Boomer women—compared with just 32 percent of those 55 and over—said they went to work. "Baby Boomer women, especially the older ones, grew up expecting to replicate the pattern of their mothers’ lives," suggests Hochschild. "But then the bills started coming in and more job opportunities opened up, and these women moved into a life they hadn’t anticipated."
Money played a great role in marriage—even an unhappy one. Approximately 18 percent of all those interviewed said they stayed married because they lacked money to get a divorce, while less than 8 percent said that financial strain
A. the 14-year-old son did not enjoy his work
B. without money you never make education choices
C. most Gen-Xers wanted to change their college plans
D. most Gen-Xers did not change their college plans


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