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发布时间:2024-05-24 18:53:40


The recipe the speaker recommends includes one orange, one banana and four eggs.

更多"The recipe the speaker recommends i"的相关试题:

[填空题]If a speaker of one speech variety wants to understand a speaker of another speech variety, understanding is more likely than______.

[单项选择]According to the speaker, what should one pay special attention to if he wants to save up
A. Family debts
B. Bank savings
C. Monthly bills
D. Spending habits
[单项选择]What is one problem that the speaker emphasizes
A. Rising sea levels
B. Deceased fish
C. Unproductive farming
D. Unhealthy drinking water

One randomly selected group saw a speaker lecture on environmental ethics to a large, attentive audience, and a different randomly selected group saw the same speaker give the same lecture, with identical mannerisms, but to a smaller, less attentive audience. The first group called the speaker thoughtful and assured. The second group called the speaker vague and long-winded.
The information above can best serve as part of an argument against which of the following claims()

A. The same social behavior can appear quite differently to different people when it is viewed in different social contexts
B. If the second group had seen the speaker lecture to a more attentive audience, its judgment of the speaker’s personal qualities might well have been different
C. People’s judgments of a speaker’s personal qualities are based primarily on what the speaker says and the mannerisms with which the speaker says it
D. A listener’s convictions about a speaker’s claims can be influenced by other people’s reactions to those claims
E. A randomly selected group can sometimes arrive at a consensus about the personal qualifications of a speaker in a particular social situation

Passage One

Why does the speaker mention the architect Wright()
A. Because many architects studied with Wright.
B. Because Wright started the practice of "land-scraping".
C. Because Wright used elements of envelope building.
D. Because most of the houses Wright built were made of stone.
What is one of the duties of the speaker
[单项选择]What is one common medical issue that the speaker mentions
A. High blood pressure
B. Strained joints
C. Headaches
D. Weakened hearing

Passage One

According to the speaker,what does the term“land- scraping”refer to()
A. Eliminating the original vegetation from the building site.
B. Marking the houses in an area similar to one another.
C. Deciding where a house will be built.
D. Surrounding a building with wild flowers and plants.
[单项选择]What is the first speaker’s(the female one) opinion about reading
A. Reading is a good habit.
B. Reading is good but not necessary.
C. Reading will make one feel upset.
D. Non-readers are hopeless.
·For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the feelings, listed A-H.
·For each extract, decide what the feeling of each speaker is.
·Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.
A being angry
B being proud
C being worried
D being unsatisfied
E being jealous
F being tired of the job
G being cautious
H being disappointed


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