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发布时间:2024-03-29 21:18:13

[单项选择]From: Fiona Parsons
To: Jerome Patel
Subject: Delivery
Dear Mr. Patel,
Thank you for calling me to let me know that the building supplies you ordered have not yet arrived. I’m sorry for this delay, and I hope it does not cause you too much inconvenience.
I was very surprised to hear the message you left on my voicemail this morning. I called the delivery company immediately afterwards and spoke to a representative there. She said that a mechanical fauh with one of the trucks has caused a backlog, and she promised that your delivery would be made top priority. They expect to get the supplies to you by this afternoon. If the delivery does not arrive by the end of the day, please inform me so I can follow up on the matter once again.
At Online Building Depot, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. So, as a result of this problem, we would like to offer you compensation to show that you are a valued customer. I suggest that the delivery fee be waived
A. A $100 rebate on the purchase
B. A reduced delivery fee
C. A credit on the next order
D. Some complimentary supplies

更多"From: Fiona ParsonsTo: Jerome Patel"的相关试题:

[单项选择]From: Fiona Parsons
To: Jerome Patel
Subject: Delivery
Dear Mr. Patel,
Thank you for calling me to let me know that the building supplies you ordered have not yet arrived. I’m sorry for this delay, and I hope it does not cause you too much inconvenience.
I was very surprised to hear the message you left on my voicemail this morning. I called the delivery company immediately afterwards and spoke to a representative there. She said that a mechanical fauh with one of the trucks has caused a backlog, and she promised that your delivery would be made top priority. They expect to get the supplies to you by this afternoon. If the delivery does not arrive by the end of the day, please inform me so I can follow up on the matter once again.
At Online Building Depot, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. So, as a result of this problem, we would like to offer you compensation to show that you are a valued customer. I suggest that the delivery fee be waived
A. Straight after Mr. Patel made the order
B. Before speaking to the supplier
C. Sometime after the due shipping date
D. Before signing off on the delivery
[多项选择]To: Fiona Andrews
From: Christine Hendrikson
Date: 8 April 2009
Pages: 1
Dear Fiona
I received a message this morning saying that our meeting on Friday 12 April had been cancelled Unfortunately, the message didn’t give any more details or any alternative dates.
Could you just confirm that the meeting has indeed been cancel led and possibly suggest another date
Best regards
·Write a fax to Christine:
·apologizing for cancelling the meeting;
·giving a reason for the cancellation;
·offering a new date and time;
·asking her to confirm the new date and time.
·Write 60—88 words
[单项选择]Decomposition is the subdivision of project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components until the work and deliverables are defined at the work package level. This is a valuable tool for define scope. However, decomposition may not be possible for a deliverable or subproject if:
A. The deliverable or subproject is very complicate
B. The deliverable or subproject is already being produce
C. The deliverable or subproject will be accomplished after a very long time ( far into the futu
D. None of the above: Decomposition of deliverables is always possibl
[单项选择]President Bush takes to the bully pulpit to deliver a stern lecture to America’s business elite. The Justice Dept. stuns the accounting profession by filing a criminal indictment of Arthur Andersen LLP for destroying documents related to its audits of Enron Corp. On Capitol Hill, some congressional panels push on with biased hearings on Enron’s collapse and, now, another busted New Economy star, telecom’s Global Crossing. Lawmakers sign on to new bills aimed at tightening oversight of everything from pensions and accounting to executive pay.
To any spectators, it would be easy to conclude that the winds of change are sweeping Corporate America, led by George W. Bush, who ran as "a reformer with result." But far from deconstructing the corporate world brick by brick into something cleaner, sparer, and stronger, Bush aides and many legislators are preparing modest legislative and administrative reforms. Instead of an overhaul, Bush’s team is counting on its enforcers, Justice and a
A. an intense lobby blitz shown in corporate behavior.
B. the indignation displayed by some congressmen.
C. a decision left up to Justice Dept. prosecutors.
D. the message embodied in the President’s actions.


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