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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:26:10


W: Good afternoon, I’m Roseanne, your flight attendant. Welcome aboard.
M: Hello. I’ve got seat A8, I hope it’s by a window So that I can see the view.

Where did this conversation most probably take place ()
A. On a train.
B. On a plane.
C. On a boat.
D. On a bus.

更多"[听力原文] W: Good afternoon, I&rsquo"的相关试题:


W: Your last job is so good, but why did you quit that and apply for this one
M: Because the company is far away from home, and I have to study after work so I can’t afford to waste time on the road every day.
Q: Why did the man leave his last company ()

A. That company is not so good.
B. He is going to study in school.
C. It is far away from his home.
D. He hasn’t so much time for that work.

M: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you
W: Yes, please. I’d like to book for your coach tour of the Great Wall.
M: All right. Could you give me your name, please
W: Of course. It’s Mary Davis. I’m staying at the hotel, Room 1121.
M: Is Friday of this week all right
W: OK. Should I pay now
M: Yes, please. The total cost of the tour is RMB 200 yuan.
W: Oh, by the way, could you tell me what this price includes
M: Yes. It includes the transport and the ticket.
W: Will I have to see about my lunch myself .
M: No, you needn’t. You will set out at 7 o’clock in the morning, and come back to the hotel at about 12: 30.
W: That’s good. Thank you very much.
M: You’ re welcome, sir.

Where does the woman want to go ()
A. The bookstore.
B. The Great Wall.
C. The hotel.
D. The travel agency.

Good morning, everyone Community service is an important component of education here at our university We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One on One" helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is tutoring in math and English. You’ll have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Howard will act as a mentor to the tutors. He’ll he available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutor
A. To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B. To interest students in a community service project.
C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.


M: What a beautiful handbag! Where did you buy it
W: It’s a gift from my mother’s friend.

From whom did the woman get the handbag ()
A. Her friend.
B. Her mother.
C. A friend of her mother’s.
D. A store.

[听力原文] 1-10
Aaron: Good morning.
Advisor: Good morning.
Aaron: I’d like to apply for a homestay. (Example)
Advisor: Right, sit down please. Well, I need to take down your details first.
Aaron: Good morning.
Advisor: Good morning.
Aaron: I’d like to apply for a homestay.
Advisor: Right, sit down please. Well, I need to take down your details first.
Aaron: OK.
Advisor: What’ s your full name
Aaron: My name is Aaron Lee.
Advisor: Do you spell your first name A-A-R-O-N
Aaron: Yes.
Advisor: OK, and your age
Aaron: I’m eighteen years old.
Advisor: So you are a freshman in our university
Aaron: Yes.
Advisor: What’ s your present address
Aaron: I live in student accommodation — International House.
Advisor: In which area
Aaron: North Campus.
Advisor: Your


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